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sidebanding + Athlon = SUCKS

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  • sidebanding + Athlon = SUCKS

    I have the SD11 and an Athlon 500 with my Matrox G400 dualhead (non-max 32 MB version). I have the latest drivers and bios, but in order to even use my computer in 2d for a reasonable amount of time I have to leave AGP sidebanding off. This is EXTREMELY annoying. In addition, I can't run OpenGL games, with the new TurboGL or the old GL. Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Dude return that SD-!! (Ick) as soon as possible and get yourself an MSI MS-6167 IR1 mb. It's the only one at the moment I'd suggest using. I tested one three weeks ago and it had all kinds of problems, but the main one was that it spontaniously rebooted constantly. I use 6167 in my test machine and it works without a flaw w/ the Max!
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


    • #3
      I have been thru 2 FICs and 1 Gigabyte...finally got an Asus and NO PROBLEMS!!!
      With both the FICs and the Gig when installing 98, I would get these "spontaneous reboots" during the PNP Hardware Detect...needless to say, very frustrating...
      Also, the mobo would revert back to AGP 1X ALL THE TIME!!! By itself, even with "Force AGP 2X" checked in the Tweak Tab...
      I can't say anything re: the MSI...but I sure like the Asus, so far...


      • #4
        With a HS like the GlobalWin FKK32

        it'll never fit on the K7M as configured.

        Designer of the first Athlon mod. Currently marketing the "Eclipse" mod through AZZO Computers.
        Anyone up for an Eclipse'd Athlon 800? Email me for more information

        2614 mips, 1.024 gflops @ 800 mHz 1:3 latency
        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

        "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


        • #5
          Not to get off topic, but do you have a spec sheet for all the multiplyer, voltage, and etc stuff for the Athlons Greebe? Im pretty good with a soldering iron and understand electronic scematics. If its a "trade secrect" i totally understand, i just dont feel like spending that much for something i could probably do myself. : )

          Thanx, this might push me towards getting an Athlons much sooner!

          PIII 450 @ 464
          generic BX6 motherboard
          G400 MAX : )
          Maxtor 13 gig UDMA 33
          Maxtor 13 gig UDMA 66
          Creative 36x CD-ROM
          HP 2x2x6x CD-RW
          64 megs PC100 RAM
          Intel 10/100
          Soundblaster 32 AWE
          DiamondMAX 56k
          Logitech Wireless Desktop (best $50 ive ever spent)
          4 large fans.


          • #6
            I don't get that spontaneous restarting problem; I got one of the boards that doesn't have that problem.

            My agp 2x/sidebanding used to work (I think) but doesn't anymore. Is there any physical damage that I might have accadentally caused the board to have that would specifically cause sidebanding not to work?

            BTW I got AGP 2x to work okay, but agp sidebanding has to stay turned off and loading anything 3D takes forever.


            • #7
              Hi guys

              A friend of mine had the reboots, but the vendor swapped the board for him and everything is OK now.

              I also have the FIC SD11 and I have no probs what so ever.

              AGPx2 -> MAX
              Sidebanding -> MAX (last I checked, mind you)
              Spontainius Reboot -> None
              Total problems -> Zero

              And one thing this board has which no other board offers AFAIK is room for a huge Alpha cooler.

              Dyre: Look at or


              A slowly desintegrating nobody running this...

              [This message has been edited by Ghydda (edited 23 November 1999).]
              As I always say: You can get more with a kind word and a 2-by-4 than you can with just a kind word.
              My beloved Parhelia was twotiming with Dan Wood - now she's gone forever and all I got is this lousy T-shirt
              |Stolen Rig|RetroGames Rig|Workstation Rig|Server Rig|


              • #8
                Dyre, please send me an email... Uhmmm, didn't I say that? Anyways it's not appropriate discussion for this forum.
                "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                • #9

                  Check out - he has published an addon board that requires no soldering on the Athlon itself, just building an external board to o/c to any freq.



                  Mine :
                  AMD K6-2 400
                  FIC VA-503+
                  64MB PC-100
                  Matrox G400
                  17GB HD
                  36x CD-ROM
                  Logictec Trackman Marble +

                  AMD K6-2 450
                  FIC VA-503+
                  Matrox Mystique 220
                  Voodoo 2
                  2GB HD
                  6.4GB HD
                  6x CD-ROM

                  Intel P200 MMX
                  TX M/B
                  Cirrus Logic 5446 (2MB)
                  Voodoo 1
                  2GB HD
                  24x SCSI CD-ROM
                  2x2x6 SCSI RICOH MP6200S CD-ReWriter


                  • #10
                    greebe what bios settings are you useing in you msi 6167 board set up. every thing on my system runs nice and smooth except turbo gl. hl runs great at 1152 x 864 in directx but randomly into the game open gl crashes (won't even load if i dont use the amd agp driver) i have tryed all combos with the drivers forcesing agp 1x ect... how do i turn off sidebanding?? have yet to try that my memory is good nec chips with nec pcb's real 8ns pc100 ive even tryed pulling out one memory bar and swaping with a hitachi pc100 stick i have. i don't think its a memory problem or even hard ware no irqs are shareing with anything vid card g400 is on irq 9 and im not overclocking the vid card have fan on stock heat sink and a cooler type card running above the pci cards in my system one in take and two exuast fans 80mm the cpu is only warm i can leave my hand on the back of the pcb forever (hehe)fak32 i was thinking it might be heat but i dont think so. maybe i just have a bad bios setting could you run down what you have you system set up like (bios settings)


                    my system has arived. all together and if i new about the usb bug in 98 with this board i would have been fiished a lot sooner.

                    msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650.(not overclocked its a real 650 they underclcoked.) 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,5x cldvd region free, 3com 10/100 nic and 56k ext modem, xitel p storm sound card. lots of controlers joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel, and 19in monitor, usb logitech mouse.

                    i found the fix for the mouse hang problem.

                    msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.

                    it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....

                    Don't son that gun is loaded.


                    • #11
                      I doubt that your problem stems for an incorrectly set BIOS. Try reinstalling PD 5.3. I don't have the Max in the Athlon system at the moment, so it wouldn't apply
                      "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                      "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                      • #12
                        i really dont think thats it either. probibly just need the next driver release.
                        agp driver from amd/matrox or a3d. who knows but d3d looks great and is dam fast, besides its only one game i play that uses ogl but it would be nice to see it working.

                        my system has arived. all together and if i new about the usb bug in 98 with this board i would have been fiished a lot sooner.

                        msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650.(not overclocked its a real 650 they underclcoked.) 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,5x cldvd region free, 3com 10/100 nic and 56k ext modem, xitel p storm sound card. lots of controlers joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel, and 19in monitor, usb logitech mouse.

                        i found the fix for the mouse hang problem.

                        msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.

                        it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....

                        Don't son that gun is loaded.


                        • #13
                          after reading some other posts i saw something im going to try. 32bit color. out of habit ive been running at 16bit color doh. i saw that someone else was haveing problems in 16bit with 5.3 ill give it a shot when i get home. and let you know. (should set my desktop to 32 any way now as with my 650 screamer cpu i shouldn't see any noticable slow down hehehehehe.......

                          my system has arived. all together and if i new about the usb bug in 98 with this board i would have been fiished a lot sooner.

                          msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650.(not overclocked its a real 650 they underclcoked.) 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,5x cldvd region free, 3com 10/100 nic and 56k ext modem, xitel p storm sound card. lots of controlers joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel, and 19in monitor, usb logitech mouse.

                          i found the fix for the mouse hang problem.

                          msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.

                          it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....

                          Don't son that gun is loaded.


                          • #14
                            OK, how did this thread get so out of hand? If you want help make a NEW thread instead of using the one I intended for me. It's not the law, it's just polite.

                            Thank you.


                            • #15
                              VidMadMan, Sorry bout that. To answer your previous Q. NO. If you did do something that disabled sidebanding you'd either have a fried MB or the drivers arn't correctly installed.

                              I'm still waiting to hear your answers to previous asked Q's.

                              "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                              "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain

