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G400 no D3D Device?

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  • G400 no D3D Device?

    I'm currently runnning a PIII450 128MB
    G400DH System (no max)with a fresh installation of Windows 98, Directx7.0
    and Matrox Powerdesk 5.30.07.

    All 3D games like UTDemo, Q3, Aliens vs Predator
    are running perfectly.
    But if i try to install Ultima9 Ascension demo, it is not able to detect the
    D3D Device. The Final Reality Benchmark has similar problems and (what I think is the most annoying thing) the TechDemo from Matrox doesn't run!!!!. It seems not to be able to set the graphics mode. My Monitor is a 20' Peacock Screen with no Plug&Play extensions (currently SH).
    Windows has no drivers for it, but i checked the 3D modes with pstrip, so it is no resolution or colordepth error.

    I don't know where the error is .

  • #2
    BTW, I have an Abit BX6 MoBo and Homeworld isn't working in OpenGL, too. Though it runs flawlessly on D3D.

    Help would be most appreciated, for my Dragon edition is due to arrive any day now,

    Thanks, Trooper.


    • #3
      BTW, I have an Abit BX6 MoBo and Homeworld isn't working in OpenGL, too. Though it runs flawlessly on D3D.

      Help would be most appreciated, for my Dragon edition is due to arrive any day now,

      Thanks, Trooper.


      • #4
        BTW, I have an Abit BX6 MoBo and Homeworld isn't working in OpenGL, too. Though it runs flawlessly on D3D.

        Help would be most appreciated, for my Dragon edition is due to arrive any day now,

        Thanks, Trooper.


        • #5
          The reason it doesnt detect it is probably due to DX7. The game was made for DX6. I use a G400 and DX6.2 and it has no problem detecting my G400. It is the same situation just reversed for Wheel of Time and Unreal Tournament. They will both detect G400 with DX7 installed, but they will not detect it when DX6 is.

          [This message has been edited by rickn (edited 26 November 1999).]


          • #6
            Well, my friend has a V3 2000 and DX7 and the game detects the D3D Device, and then there still is the Matrox techdemo problem :/

            I'll try going back to DX 6.2.


            • #7
              Trooper: with V3 installed I am positive it would detect glide first


              • #8
                >> My Monitor is a 20' Peacock Screen.

                You have a 20 Foot Monitor? Wow!

                Le B


                • #9
                  GOT IT!!
                  It's running!!!!
                  But, don't ask me why.
                  I only set the AGP aperture size to 256MB.
                  U9Demo-Setup detected the D3D Device perfectly, and it worked. Can anyone tell me why the ... thing works only with this settings.

                  There's only the OpenGl and TechDemo problem remaining.
                  rickn: The V3 is a Glide AND a D3D Device.
                  So it appears in both boxes.
                  LeBodge: pretty huge isn't it


                  • #10
                    I am aware that V3 is a glide, direct3d, and openGL device. However, during the installation you choose which version to install. Glide would be the appropriate selection for V3


                    • #11
                      OK ok, you're right.
                      what I wanted to say is, that my friend tried the demo with D3D, and it worked "fine".
                      But it didn't run on my G400, of which I thought it is the better supported one.
                      But I was wrong, obviously.

                      BTW Do you know what this AGP aperture settings have to do with the D3D device polling or why so many other problems can be solved by this setting??

