I am using the Matrox Tweak Utility with my G400 32MB with these settings: FlipOnVBlank disabled, Overclock Resolution (1280x1024) Master clock 105%. Are this settings save? Can I damage my Monitor (Viewsonic PT795) or my beloved G400? What does this FlipOnVBlank exactly do (VSync?) ?
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Matrox Tweak Utility question
Flip On Vblack is Vsynch.
When it turns to overclocking nothing is safe... but I would be truly amazed if someone damages his G400 overclocking ithey - Matrox released an overclocking utility, so it must not be that dangerous after all! With a fan atached to the heatsink I´m sure you can do much more (like 115-125%). But Mgatweak is much better than Matrox tweak: http://www.murc.ws/Overclockers/mgat112b.zip
You can´t damage you monitor overclocking the video card. In theory, the only way you could damage a monitor is if the video card is doing a refresh rate that it doesn´t suport. Overclocking has nothing to do with it and all modern monitors have a safety system that simply refuses to synch if the input of the video card is out of range (the green led goes yellow or blinks and maybe an error message is displayed in the screen osd).
[This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 29 November 1999).]
Hi Nuno,
Do you have any information about the possible risks by overclocking the G400MAX? Once I have overclocked my MAX to 160% which resulting a black screen. The black screen occured for about 20 seconds before I have to reset my computer to restore the previous clock. Can this condition damage my MAX? What are the indications if a card has been damaged? Is it possible if the damage is localize for 32bit mode only.
Thanks so much for your info.
Asus P3B-F, PIII-750 OC'd 900Mhz, 256MB PC133SDRAM, 2.0V, Stock Cooler, Matrox Millennium G400MAX, IBM DeskStar 60GB, Sound Blaster Live!, Cambridge Soundworks FPS1800, ViewSonic 17' PF775.
Picard: Don´t worry, you didn´t damage your card. You tried to overclock it waaaaay beyond any possibility (240/320 core/memory, you wish), as as result, it crashed awfully. Rebooting did set the clock speed in specs.
What are the indications if a card is damaged?I overclock my G400 vanilla to Max specs (150/200) and belive me it crashed to me many times when I was trying to clock it like 170/2xx or higher...
jediphoenix: That´s because you´re cpu limited. You don´t state it but I guess you are running the benchmark at 800x600. Even the vanilla G400 at default speeds is only waiting for the cpu to give it data, so overclocking isn´t doing much at that res. Try at 1280x1024x32 and you´ll see a diference.
[This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 30 November 1999).]
I have a question, I have a vanilla g400 32 meg, but it does have the 5ns ram on it like the max(some say im lucky) I overclocked the card to 120% using matrox tweak utility and the heatsink did not even get any hotter than before and I saw no increase in 3dmark99 scores. Is that right? should I not see a difference? Thx Jediphoenix
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