Well Matrox (<- I'm writing it with a capital again) you finallu suprised me in a positive way: these 5.41 drivers actually WORK! 
There still is some weird stuff going on, but I don't know if that's to blame on the drivers. I hope it's not
These drivers really came out-of-the-blue to me, while previously drivers were announced even weeks before they actually appeard. Ok, that's fine, but I sure hope Matrox fixes bugs (like 5.30 not workin on MVP3) as soon as they arise next time.
A well thumbs up this time, Matrox!
Randy Simons
Digital Dreams Software

There still is some weird stuff going on, but I don't know if that's to blame on the drivers. I hope it's not

These drivers really came out-of-the-blue to me, while previously drivers were announced even weeks before they actually appeard. Ok, that's fine, but I sure hope Matrox fixes bugs (like 5.30 not workin on MVP3) as soon as they arise next time.
A well thumbs up this time, Matrox!
Randy Simons
Digital Dreams Software