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SDRAM on G400 - it is possible?

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  • #16
    Hey everyone,

    I did some digging around on the net and found out exactly what kind of memory was on my G400. It is SGRAM made by Samsung:
    Part# MAX Freq.
    KM4132G112Q-6/F6 166Mhz

    Well even though this memory is already being driven to it's maximum operating frequency by the default values of the G400 and can not be overclocked any higher, at least it is indeed SGRAM.



    • #17
      It is not a hoax. One half of the retail Moscow prices are 16M SDRAM G400 with very strange quality and prices about $105-$110.
      I don't know prices in other countries, but I think that it is low-cost prices (for low quality, of course).
      I know that image quality is independent from memory type - generally depended from RAMDAC and PCB design (if You remember Creative TNT cards with sharp image and another (ASUS etc.) with "soap" image, both cards was based on the same TNT chips but have differences in the boards design only)
      My question is: It is safely to buy these G400 cards with 16M SDRAM, that are only for OEM purposes?
      More examples?
      One of my correspondent wrote that he buy OEM G400/DH/32M - but it have not TV cable/adapter. He try find video output on second D-Sub himself with no result - only RGB and Sync signals are present even in DVDMAX mode. I cannot help because I don't know a scheme of TV adapter(cable). But my correspondent cannot satisfy your seller that this OEM card realized without TV cable and should try to sold it himself.
      (If You know it's scheme - please, mail me)

      It is frequently situation in my country
      and I have some premises for think that a lot of realised G400 are faked (build on inferior chips etc.)
      I hope to be mistaken...


      • #18
        Second letter from GraphUser correspondent:
        I never mean SDRAM based cards. All I have tested
        were on SGRAM (166 Mhz not more). I found a spec
        on this memory chips their normal work speed 166 Mhz.
        Cards were labeled
        G4-MA16G G4-MA32G -Single
        G4-MDHA16G G4-MDHA32G -Dual
        And here Matrox card label: G4-MDHA16GR. In OEM
        variant there is no letter "R".

        All cards were tested on
        LG78D (Diamondtron 85Khz)
        Sony 200GS
        Sony 200PS
        SOny G-200
        Sony 400PS

        I have tested cards of each type with different memory
        chips (ALL SGRAM) and my opninion is:
        HIGHER THAN 1024x768x32 at 85 Hz.
        THEY ARE ALL AWFUL at 1280x1024 and higher.

        AS ALWAYS BEST OF THE BEST Millenium II. (But how long
        it would last?)

        I haven't seen only G-400 MAX OEM.

        TO ALL MatroxUsers at trinitron: What about you?
        What is your opinion about G400 OEM?

        P.S. I have sent a BIG LETTER to Matrox Corporate
        HeadQuaters to understand a situation. I would
        wait for responce.
        If I right understood, never of You are try using these OEM cards anywhere?

        [This message has been edited by TeddyBear (edited 01 December 1999).]

