Hi all, I've got a vanilla G400 32Mb DH, but have had a look at the memory chips sitting on the back of the board after what people were saying about reject MAX's being shipped as vanilla G400s. As far as I can remember the ways of reading ram speed it's the number after the - on the chip's serial number. The ones on my board say -5 so I assumed my board was one of the 5ns G400 MAX rejects. So, if this is the case then, what does a G400 MAX show as default in MGA Tweak. Yeah, I know about the core speeds, but what about the misc controls, the clock dividers, and the SGRAM optimisation? Last thing...At the moment I'm running the lot on a Celery 333 (o/c to 416 (66*83 bus)) and the G400 o/c to 301.50Mhz (no other changes) in 3D Mark 99 MAX I'm getting a score of @3390 overall and 3894 for the CPU score (Tested at 1024*768, 32Z, tri filter, and triple buffer). Is this good or bad? I tried some SGRAM opt. settings I found on this forum for a vanilla G400 (I think! :-) ) and it slowed things down by one point each. Anyway, if anyone can answer any of these questions....Thanks in advance....:-)