I just bout a G400 32meg dual head and cant seem to get anything higher than 37-39 fps in Quake 2 set at 1024x768. Web sites all over the net are posting 55-69 fps!
My systems is as follows
AMD K6 III 400mhz w/3DNow
Epox MVP3G-M
128 pc 100 RAM
8.4WD hardrive UDM ATA 33
My board allows me to synch either the RAM or the AGP slot to the system bus. I synched my RAM
Bios settings are all that "shadow" stuff disabled
I have downloaded the new Power desk drivers "5.30" after uninstalling the old drivers
Installed the tweak utility for the G400
I have tried over clocking and not
Direct3D V-Synch disabled
Using 3DNow (checked)
I am using the 3DNow optimized gl driver for Quake II
Am I missing something besides 20 extra frames per second?
day 2
I tried a lot last night to try and figure out why I was maxing out at around 40 fps in Quake2.
I went through a crap load of settings last night:
-I Disabled shadowing and enable caching on all options in my bios
-I tried changing my desktop res to 800x600 16 bit.
-I tried using tweak3d's "autoexec builder" to optimize the Quake2 autoexec.cfg
-I even changed the res at which I play Quake2 at to 320 x 200!!! and still I max at 43 fps.
-I have matrox's tweak utility which lets me
disable V-Synch for Direct3D.
I think I just had a revelation! V-synch for Direct3D is disabled with the tweak utility but Quake2 doesn't use Direct3D!!! Maybe that's it.
Ok how do I make sure that my v-Synch is disabled for openGl in Quake2??
Am I off track? Can you spare enough time to help me with this?
My systems is as follows
AMD K6 III 400mhz w/3DNow
Epox MVP3G-M
128 pc 100 RAM
8.4WD hardrive UDM ATA 33
My board allows me to synch either the RAM or the AGP slot to the system bus. I synched my RAM
Bios settings are all that "shadow" stuff disabled
I have downloaded the new Power desk drivers "5.30" after uninstalling the old drivers
Installed the tweak utility for the G400
I have tried over clocking and not
Direct3D V-Synch disabled
Using 3DNow (checked)
I am using the 3DNow optimized gl driver for Quake II
Am I missing something besides 20 extra frames per second?
day 2
I tried a lot last night to try and figure out why I was maxing out at around 40 fps in Quake2.
I went through a crap load of settings last night:
-I Disabled shadowing and enable caching on all options in my bios
-I tried changing my desktop res to 800x600 16 bit.
-I tried using tweak3d's "autoexec builder" to optimize the Quake2 autoexec.cfg
-I even changed the res at which I play Quake2 at to 320 x 200!!! and still I max at 43 fps.
-I have matrox's tweak utility which lets me
disable V-Synch for Direct3D.
I think I just had a revelation! V-synch for Direct3D is disabled with the tweak utility but Quake2 doesn't use Direct3D!!! Maybe that's it.
Ok how do I make sure that my v-Synch is disabled for openGl in Quake2??
Am I off track? Can you spare enough time to help me with this?