well i finaly fixed my opengl and d3d random lockups for good. all this time i thought i was forceing 1x agp on my g400 (and i was, but keep reading) i would load the drivers use the hack (fail to reboot as i did not know it was nessasary to reset the card.) try open gl and some times the system would lock up again (now i have to reboot and of corse the reg hack takes effect but i had given up on open gl so i would not try it again d3d would run just fine as the vid card would be truely running in 1x agp mode after the reboot.) i would then switch back to 5.25 killing the 1x agp reg hack off so i would be back at 2x mode when the drivers finished loading aply the hack once again (fail to reboot as i still did not know that it is nessassary) run open gl play a little longer when useing the beta icd crash. reboot switch to d3d ect.. some times i would try d3d first and of coruse that would crash then i would start all over.
what made me figure out the problem? the new drivers (i also think they are much more stable than 5.3) and pcilist. i installed the new driver and my new speakers ya they came yesterday wow they rock keeping them! oh back to me being an idiot. was playing cds answering emails ect... when my buddy eric shows up finally so pissed off at his p233 mmx socket 7 system is crashing and wants mne to help him build a new system. so i go on the web ect. put togerther a nice p3500 soyo board vortex 2 sound and 13 gig q ata 66 hd. upgrade. hes happy but i tell him i want the money up front before i load it on to my ccard for him as i don't like intrest payments that make my nose bleed. so hes got to wait 2 weeks till a check hes waiting for comes in. opps keep going off on a rant i must be boared. any way now wants to see what halflife ops for looks like so i let him play
opengl crashes the system in 2 sec's (#$#%$%^ i thought i fixed that (i had but did not realize how i had done it and installing the new driver killed the fix) reboot switch to d3d works fine hes happly playing ops force for about 2 hours while i drool over the speakers and wished i was playing) then d3d locks wtf. out come the new drivers im pissed in go 5.30 and system lock oh no here we go again i broke it i had it working and i broke it. then i did something difrent i was thinking turn off sidebanding or kill agp altogether . and then i remembered the new pci list has all kinds of info on the busses ect. ive never read any of that stuff letts see if i can figure out how to turn it off. so i start reading and notice agp 2x is on. then i think apply hack hit refresh (on pci list and still agp2x, what maybe i have to restart pci list so i do and 2x agp. for the pure hecck of it i rebooted the comp then checked pci list 1x agp. dugh now you know why i feel like an idiot. i try out open gl no problem runs for an hour. out gose 5.3 in gose 5.4 check pcilist 2x agp apply hack stioll 2xagp reboot pcilist now says 1x agptry turbogl at 1024x768 in 32 bit color works go on the net cstrike test time it works ect... wow i still feel like a jackass but at least the last anoyance if finaly fixed.
my system has arived. all together and if i new about the usb bug in 98 with this board i would have been fiished a lot sooner.
msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650.(not overclocked its a real 650 they underclcoked.) 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic and 56k ext modem, xitel p storm sound card. lots of controlers joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel, and 19in monitor, usb logitech mouse.
i found the fix for the mouse hang problem.
what made me figure out the problem? the new drivers (i also think they are much more stable than 5.3) and pcilist. i installed the new driver and my new speakers ya they came yesterday wow they rock keeping them! oh back to me being an idiot. was playing cds answering emails ect... when my buddy eric shows up finally so pissed off at his p233 mmx socket 7 system is crashing and wants mne to help him build a new system. so i go on the web ect. put togerther a nice p3500 soyo board vortex 2 sound and 13 gig q ata 66 hd. upgrade. hes happy but i tell him i want the money up front before i load it on to my ccard for him as i don't like intrest payments that make my nose bleed. so hes got to wait 2 weeks till a check hes waiting for comes in. opps keep going off on a rant i must be boared. any way now wants to see what halflife ops for looks like so i let him play
opengl crashes the system in 2 sec's (#$#%$%^ i thought i fixed that (i had but did not realize how i had done it and installing the new driver killed the fix) reboot switch to d3d works fine hes happly playing ops force for about 2 hours while i drool over the speakers and wished i was playing) then d3d locks wtf. out come the new drivers im pissed in go 5.30 and system lock oh no here we go again i broke it i had it working and i broke it. then i did something difrent i was thinking turn off sidebanding or kill agp altogether . and then i remembered the new pci list has all kinds of info on the busses ect. ive never read any of that stuff letts see if i can figure out how to turn it off. so i start reading and notice agp 2x is on. then i think apply hack hit refresh (on pci list and still agp2x, what maybe i have to restart pci list so i do and 2x agp. for the pure hecck of it i rebooted the comp then checked pci list 1x agp. dugh now you know why i feel like an idiot. i try out open gl no problem runs for an hour. out gose 5.3 in gose 5.4 check pcilist 2x agp apply hack stioll 2xagp reboot pcilist now says 1x agptry turbogl at 1024x768 in 32 bit color works go on the net cstrike test time it works ect... wow i still feel like a jackass but at least the last anoyance if finaly fixed.
my system has arived. all together and if i new about the usb bug in 98 with this board i would have been fiished a lot sooner.
msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650.(not overclocked its a real 650 they underclcoked.) 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic and 56k ext modem, xitel p storm sound card. lots of controlers joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel, and 19in monitor, usb logitech mouse.
i found the fix for the mouse hang problem.