The beta driver for Win2000 rendered my setup to unusable state. I have G200 on Asus P5A.
First I got only black screen when restarting proceeded to the point when the first window is supposed to appear.
I was able to get it running with "Enable VGA mode" but when I tried to restart it again normally, I got BSOD with KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.
Even the "Safe Mode" doesn't seem to work anymore.
This new driver is sure the best thing from Matrox after m3d.
First I got only black screen when restarting proceeded to the point when the first window is supposed to appear.
I was able to get it running with "Enable VGA mode" but when I tried to restart it again normally, I got BSOD with KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.
Even the "Safe Mode" doesn't seem to work anymore.
This new driver is sure the best thing from Matrox after m3d.
