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horizontal squiggle

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  • horizontal squiggle

    hmmph. just about says it all.

    i have a 32mb DH Max. every now and then (and i really mean every now and then, it didn't do it for weeks, i turn it off for turkey day vacation, 4 days, and it's doing it now) i get these very fast horizontal waves. if i decrease the resolution to 600x800 i can make them out. they truly do come and go, w/ no pattern. i've tried diff monitors (it does it on everyone in the house) pulling out every card in the machine short of the vid car, bus mastering on and off, diff memory etc.

    my res that i usually run is 1600x1200 @ 32bits. i did this forever on my old TNT Canopus w/ no problem.

    i also have no IRQ conflicts.

    interesting tho, it only does it in the primary monitor, not my secondary. my monitors are a Sony 420GS 19" and a Princeton Graphcs EO90 19". even if i swap monitors, it still does it to whatever monitor is plugged into the primary out.

    think i have a bad card?




  • #2
    Had the exact same problem. Here's the solution:

    You need to change the Voltage I/O setting on the motherboard to 3.31V. See page 19 of the k7M manual.

    I tried everthing -- drivers, irqs, swapping pci cards in & out etc, etc.

    Finally found the solution at

    Everything works fine now!

