I have a Matrox G400 32MB DH which has been giving me lots of trouble in the past couple of weeks. The 3D display quality is poor, and DVD movies are jerky and unwatchable. It's intended home was in my Athlon 600 system w/128MB RAM, an ASUS K7M board, a SB LIVE! Value, a 3COM NIC, and a 300W Sparkle PS. All the components had their own IRQ. After removing the G400 in favor of a Diamond Stealth III G540, (yes, I'm serious, the Savage4 looks much better than the Matrox here), I placed the G400 in a Celeron 466 machine w/64MB RAM. I installed the drivers and the techdemo, and ran it to see if it looked as crappy as it did in the Athlon system. To my surprise, I get a message on the screen before running the demo that my computer doesn't have enough memory to use full textures, and that the quality would not be as good. Well, they were telling the truth about that: The demo looked even worse on the Celeron system. The whole thing was jerky and hard to watch. On the Athlon system, everything was pretty smooth, with the razorback effect the only real problem.
This whole thing makes me wonder though: What are the system requirements for a Matrox G400 to work properly? I thought 64MB of memory would be enough for the techdemo at least, and a 466 Celeron should at least be able to keep up with the video card, but that isn't the case here. I'm starting to think that the video card might be bad. If you have any ideas as to what else the problem might be, I'd appreciate a response
This whole thing makes me wonder though: What are the system requirements for a Matrox G400 to work properly? I thought 64MB of memory would be enough for the techdemo at least, and a 466 Celeron should at least be able to keep up with the video card, but that isn't the case here. I'm starting to think that the video card might be bad. If you have any ideas as to what else the problem might be, I'd appreciate a response