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  • Drivers

    Did anyone else have trouble with the 5.41 Drivers? My machine goes crazy when I try to use them.

  • #2
    I"m sorry useing G400 P3 500 Asus P3B-F Board


    • #3
      "goes crazy"?
      Tried a psychiatrist?

      Or is there some technical problem that shows up with these drivers?
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        I have a dual boot machine. with win95 and the 5.41 drivers, everything is great ! with win2k and the 5.0 driver, openGL does not work .. rob_b
        pentium III @550mhz
        intel 440BX pci chipset
        512mb memory, g400max,
        cybervision C70 monitor
        win2000 on maxtor 8.4 gb


        • #5
          Sometimes the screen has alot of moving lines in it and when I try to run Flight Simulator 2000 it will not completely load and also Fly wont completely load.


          • #6
            hmm well only problems i have had so far is that system shock 2 WILL not work with the 5.41's (still waiting for a fix on that one)

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            • #7
              Yep the 5.41 drivers have that flaw. I haven't seen it before with P3's though. I have an Athlon System with an ASUS K7M motherboard, I have the same problem and have heard of others with similar problems.

              The solution seems to be to use the 5.30 drivers until next drivers are released (not many fixes from 5.30 to 5.41 anyway)

              And yes, goes crazy is the word, that must be the most f..... up display I have ever seen, and a pretty hard windows lockdown.

              Torben R.
              G400 news, info, downloads and mailinglist :


              • #8
                Nope, no problems at all! Cannot Alt-tabbing but that's no prob for me. Now it's time for faster drivers...

                Celeron 300A@450
                Asus P2B,G400 SH 32MB oc@150\200 128MB Cas2 PC100
                PIII 700@933 on Asus P3B-F, GF2 GTS, 512 MB Infineon


                • #9
                  Jediphoenix, please post if you find a solution to the system shock 2 problem with the 5.41 drivers. I have a g200 that I have finally managed to fix 2d lock-ups and screen corruptions by installing the 5.41 drivers with 5.25pd. SS2 worked fine with the 5.25 drivers, but I'm not going back to that mess just to play one game. Thanks alot.

