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Dell NOT shipping GeForce 256

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  • Dell NOT shipping GeForce 256

    A friend ordered a new Dell 6 weeks ago with the geForce card. After many, many changes in the promised shipping date the Dell finally arrived but without the GeForce.(It had a TNT ultra)

    Dell says that the GeForce card is "unavailable".

    Given that the GeForce is available in retail stores, my guess is that Dell is having 'technical problems' with the GeForce.
    Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 256 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, PD 6.22, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 8.0a,TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100

  • #2
    and I supposed none of us are having problems with G400's either
    Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


    • #3
      I hope they knocked a little off the price. It also would have been nice if they asked his permission before shipping.

      If they didn't, there's an element of bait and switch to this. Maybe worse.

      Off to the Soap Box we go...


