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G400 sh 16mb doesn't work under DOS

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  • G400 sh 16mb doesn't work under DOS

    Hi. today happend something strange, well, My monitor (Viewsonic GT775) didn't start when I pressed power button on my computer. I was thinking that monitor is dead or so, but after while I could hear that it look like computer is working and it's loading up. After fiew minuter (2-3 minuter , that's the time which it needed to start my machine) I saw winsows screen. I though what the well is going on. First it seemed to be monitor and after that it was working (1280x960x85hzx32bit).
    I did restart to, three times but every time I did that I didn't get screen under dos, and even nothing screen was blank all time untill windows loads up. Anyone had the same problem. I know that this is problem with video card because I replaced it right away and new card is working fine.BTW I didn't know that matrox changed layout of g400 16mb SH. Now it has only 4 memory chips and extra internal connector is moved little bit in left if you look straight at the card. Previously it had 8 smaller memory chips anf that connector was over the heatsink
    Asus p3b-f p3 600E 512mb ram pc100 G400 sh 16mb sb live x-gamer ibm hd 20gb 7200rpm ide 3com 56.6 modem 3com 905b nic asus 50x plextor 4832 cdrw ide viewsonic gt775 hp dj720 hp sj 4100c Win 2000 pro

  • #2
    The card´s Bios is gone. You must rebuild it. I surely hope that you made a bios rescue disk as prompted by the Matrox flash bios utility. In that case you should boot from the floppy and hopefully the bios will be restored.

    To more information, ask for gbm (he´s the real bios expert around) or visit his homepage:


    • #3
      Hi there. Look for threads called "No Bootscreen, no DOS, no DOS-box" and "G400 and no DOS (Hello Jadawin!). I had the same problem, but it is solved now. Within these threads you will find how to do it.



      • #4
        Excuse me, guys. I could not skip the rare opportunity to ignore the netiquette and answer in my native language...

        Sprawa dosc prosta - jakims cudem karta stracila BIOS. Nalezy go zreprogramowac, najlepiej majac kopie zapasowa. Jsli takiej nie ma, trzeba to odtworzyc powoli, pomagajac sobie inna taka sama karta w celu odtworzenia (skopiowania z niej) struktury PInS. Najpierw programujemy karte bez PInS. Kiedy juz jakos dziala - doprogramowujemy PInS. Calosc jest opisana na moich stronach www, adres w profilu lub w poprzednich wiadomosciach.

        Zycze sukcesow,
        Grzegorz Mazur


        • #5
          Thanks guys for information.
          (Dziekuje za informacje)
          Asus p3b-f p3 600E 512mb ram pc100 G400 sh 16mb sb live x-gamer ibm hd 20gb 7200rpm ide 3com 56.6 modem 3com 905b nic asus 50x plextor 4832 cdrw ide viewsonic gt775 hp dj720 hp sj 4100c Win 2000 pro

