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TGL + Win95 + 5.307 works

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  • TGL + Win95 + 5.307 works

    Two thoughts:

    1. Whether or not you "see it being a factor", it is a well-documented issue that AGP Aperture size must bet set to at least as much as your system memory on MANY different machines and configurations.

    2. You already own a degenerate SS7 board, and sprung for ANOTHER, even MORE degenerate SS7 board? Instead of saving your money for a real chipset? AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH! Is there no hope?

    - Ash

    Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed

  • #2
    Anyone else get it to work with '95 ? If so, how ? Does the standard install work, or will I have to copy the dll manually ?

    "Himself", what do you mean by the update utility ? The installer ?


    Win 95 OSR2.1, DX 7
    Celeron 500 66 FSB
    Epox 61LXAM
    192 MB SDRAM
    Matrox G400 SH 16 MB OEM
    SB AWE64
    Adaptec SCSI


    • #3

      Only two thoughts, eh? Maybe if you rub them together they will amount to something.
      Jerk. FYI, it's an $80 CDN upgrade for me after selling my old board. UDMA 66 cards alone are almost that. What's it to you anyway, bugger off, you lousy snob.


      I had to use Win98 to create the OpenGL32.dll file for AMD cpus, if you like I can email it to you.

      Some Benchmarks:

      K6-3 450
      G400 32MB 116% oc
      128MB ram

      CG_DRAWFPS 1
      TIMEDMEO 1

      Q3TestDemo Demo001

      5.307 ICD

      Normal 29.6
      HQ 28.6

      Normal 29.6
      HQ 28.3

      Normal 28.0
      HQ 26.8


      Normal 39.7 +34%
      HQ 35.8 +25%

      Normal 37.2 +26%
      HQ 37.5 +33%

      Normal 33.9 +20%
      HQ 29.6 +10%

      Now that that's done, I can delete Q3 from my hard driver and go back to the 5.41 drivers. (As I've said before, no use for OGL here)


      • #4

        Thanks for the info; boy I hope it works with my system too ! Can anyone mail me a Celery version of the dll ? Or is there a way of extracting it from the install package manually ?


        Win 95 OSR2.1, DX 7
        Celeron 500 66 FSB
        Epox 61LXAM
        192 MB SDRAM
        Matrox G400 SH 16 MB OEM
        SB AWE64
        Adaptec SCSI


        • #5
          TGL + Win95 + 5.307 works

          I just tried win98 with the turbo gl and 5.41 and no go, black screen of mourning. Went back to the ol win95 and tried it with 5.41, no go. Switched to 5.307, success!
          Tirtanium won't work with the file (well it will but only in monocrome mode, 39fps in OGL at 1280x960 whoo hoo! ), but Q3DemoTest does at any rate. Neato. Guess the Win98 requirement is about the silly update utility. All you really need is the appropriate dll for your cpu and put it in the OGL app dir of your choice. Win98 doesn't seem to be a factor at all.

          I have a K6-3 here for anybody who doesn't know.


          • #6
            WOW !

            It works. So, I have only a 16 MB SH OEM G400, running on a 66 MHz FSB Celeron 500 system with 192 MB of 66 MHz RAM, and...wait for it - Windows 95B.

            Despite being "unsupported", at 800x600 the new TurboGL driver still managed a jump in Q3Test demo 2 from 23 fps to 36 fps - I make that a 56% increase...!!! And in 32bit, with high quality textures, the works !

            And possibly more astounding, ( to me at least ) - Half-Life Blowup demo - from 21 fps to 26 fps. Still a 24% increase, and since Blowup is Half-Life's Crusher...

            Finally, as if that weren't enough, TRIBES is playable !

            'Scuse me, I have some games to play... VBG




            • #7
              PS -

              Using the 5.31 drivers otherwise, since 5.41 count SS2 out... and I used WinZip to extract the dll file, then renamed it opengl32.dll and copyed it to the relevant game directories, in case other Win 95 users want to try it.


              • #9
                What type of motherboard do you have?

                It will work with Win98 but only with the 5.30.007 drivers and if anyone has any problems with the 256MB AGP aperture setting try 128MB instead.

                Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                OS: Windows XP Pro.
                Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                • #10


                  I am the proud owner of one of the original MVP3 motherboards, over a year old now, a SOYO 5EH5, soon to be replaced by an EPOX MVP3G-2 if the guy ever ships it. AGP aperature on my machine is set to 128 still I think, I normally use 64 but I upped it to test 3DMark2000's 64MB texture test and I don't think I set it back. I can't see it really being a factor unless the game in question uses a lot of AGP mem.

                  [This message has been edited by Himself (edited 14 December 1999).]


                  • #11
                    Well Gurm, I don't know what your problem is or was but I have two EPoX MVP3 based systems here running Win98 without any problems. One has an AMD K6-2/500 with the G400 and the other an AMD K6-2/400 with the G200. Both are very stable even when testing beta video drivers.

                    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                    OS: Windows XP Pro.
                    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                    • #12

                      I've been using SS7 for over a year, whatever programs I run run fine, and for longer than 2 months, every program I try tends to work or if it doesn't work it doesn't work anywhere, nothing related to SS7. If you can't get SS7 to work, too bad, but don't project your experience as being generic. Throwing money at problems is no fun anyway, getting the most out of something via tweaks is.

                      Here in Canada, (that $80 is more like $50 US) a PIII 450 plus BX board is around $500, I can get an Athlon 500 system for about $550. Motherboards for both tend to be around $200/$250 CDN. While I am waiting for Athlon motherboards to go to the next level (and I really would rather on die L2 cache for the Athlon) whatever I do with my SS7 is just amusement. Oh, did I mention that I am not even paying the $80? It's a XMass gift for the nerd who doesn't want anything under $300.


                      • #13

                        Sorry to have tweaked you (AGAIN) but I am just soooo sick of people who can't cope with the fact that their SS7 board is the root of most of their problems. Your mileage will vary, and I of course wish you the best of luck.

                        But odds are, at some point in the next couple months, you will discover not one or two but many programs that just... sorta don't work.

                        And it'll be because of your SS7 board. That's all. I'm not a snob, I have a machine here running on an Epox MVP3 board with a K6-2 300. Runs like a charm - under NT4. Couldn't get the thing stable under Win95/98/se AT ALL. Most people can't.

                        I was simply flabbergasted by your upgrade path choice. I didn't realize it was a $80 deal. Around here, SS7 boards are MORE expensive than BX boards most of the time (the good ones, anyway) and a P3-450 with a nice BX board can be had for $250US, less if you mail order.

                        - Gurm

                        Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                        The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                        I'm the least you could do
                        If only life were as easy as you
                        I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                        If only life were as easy as you
                        I would still get screwed

