I have done a bit of customisation to the resolution for my G400MAX
I am a bit of a graphics purist, so I set all of my available resolutions to a 4:3 aspect ratio (to match my monitors aspect ratio).
From memory 1800x1350 wasn't an option but 1800x1344 was so I fired up PD5 Resolution Manager 2.1 and deleted 1800x1344 and added 1800x1350. The changes were reflected correctly in the menu presented in the resolution selector (on the task bar), however if I right-click on the desktop and select properties->setting and then select 1800x1350 on the slider and then click OK (or apply) it creates a 1800x1344 option (on the slider only, not from the task bar) and changes to this new resolution. I can not seem to force it to 1800x1350. Any suggestions.
BTW when I maximize any application the bottom few lines of pixels (I reckon the bottom 6 lines (1350-1344)) are obscured by the task bar. (I guess there is a conflict with some system calls reporting 1344 lines and other reporting 1350)
PS after adding a resolution is it possible to sort them? (from the task bar 1800x1350 appears after 2048x1536)
I am a bit of a graphics purist, so I set all of my available resolutions to a 4:3 aspect ratio (to match my monitors aspect ratio).
From memory 1800x1350 wasn't an option but 1800x1344 was so I fired up PD5 Resolution Manager 2.1 and deleted 1800x1344 and added 1800x1350. The changes were reflected correctly in the menu presented in the resolution selector (on the task bar), however if I right-click on the desktop and select properties->setting and then select 1800x1350 on the slider and then click OK (or apply) it creates a 1800x1344 option (on the slider only, not from the task bar) and changes to this new resolution. I can not seem to force it to 1800x1350. Any suggestions.
BTW when I maximize any application the bottom few lines of pixels (I reckon the bottom 6 lines (1350-1344)) are obscured by the task bar. (I guess there is a conflict with some system calls reporting 1344 lines and other reporting 1350)
PS after adding a resolution is it possible to sort them? (from the task bar 1800x1350 appears after 2048x1536)