From reading the posts on the boards I can tell that if anyone can help me it'll be you guys (an gals? =)
I have just bought the G400 32Mb Dual and I have an Asus P5A motherboard. I've flashed my bios to version 1007 and have installed the ALi AGP Driver 1.65 in Win98 but my computer still doesn't recognise the G400 in its AGP slot. I have set my aperature to 256Mb in the bios but no change
I'm using my old Matrox Mystique (in the PCI slot next to my AGP slot ) at the minute but I have tried booting my system with just the G400 and no Mystique in and still nothing.
Please help as its driving me nuts
Cheers and Happy Christmas
I have just bought the G400 32Mb Dual and I have an Asus P5A motherboard. I've flashed my bios to version 1007 and have installed the ALi AGP Driver 1.65 in Win98 but my computer still doesn't recognise the G400 in its AGP slot. I have set my aperature to 256Mb in the bios but no change
Please help as its driving me nuts
Cheers and Happy Christmas