The point I made isn't that the overclocked AGP bus performs better, just that it can perform correctly if you decide to overclock your FSB past 100MHZ.
I never mentioned anything about underclocking the bus, merely overclocking it.
When my Hercules TNT2 comes in I will be able to provide a few benchmarks on all the different bus speeds available to me. Perhaps then I can try to prove my point. At this point, however, I do not have an AGP video card to test to provide concrete proof. I'll resurrect this thread at that point.
Asus P2B-F, 532MHZ Pentium II (4x133 at 2.4v), Global Win VEK12 hs/fan, 128MB Micron PC133, Maxtor 4GB, SB AWE 32, Creative DVD 2x, Mitsumi CDR 2x/8x, Sony Trinitron 17", Old Matrox Video Card, and a redhead with a pair of 36Cs (O/Ced to 38Cs)
I never mentioned anything about underclocking the bus, merely overclocking it.
When my Hercules TNT2 comes in I will be able to provide a few benchmarks on all the different bus speeds available to me. Perhaps then I can try to prove my point. At this point, however, I do not have an AGP video card to test to provide concrete proof. I'll resurrect this thread at that point.
Asus P2B-F, 532MHZ Pentium II (4x133 at 2.4v), Global Win VEK12 hs/fan, 128MB Micron PC133, Maxtor 4GB, SB AWE 32, Creative DVD 2x, Mitsumi CDR 2x/8x, Sony Trinitron 17", Old Matrox Video Card, and a redhead with a pair of 36Cs (O/Ced to 38Cs)