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Matrox Tech Demo

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  • Matrox Tech Demo

    I tried to run the Matrox tech demo that was included in the driver CD that came in the Max retail box.

    The format of text in the initial screen was all messed up and very difficult to read. I selected instructions and the instructions came up and then the program froze..

    What is wrong?
    Is there any good on the tech demo worth trying to fix it.

    my system: p2 450, G400 max, PD 5.41
    Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 256 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, PD 6.22, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 8.0a,TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100

  • #2
    Is there any good on the tech demo worth trying to fix it.

    Chasing the fairy in free flight.

    What are your system spec's/settings, like IRQ assignments, video aperture and MB type?
    MSI K7D Master L, Water Cooled, All SCSI
    Modded XP2000's @ 1800 (12.5 x 144 FSB)
    512MB regular Crucial PC2100
    Matrox P
    X15 36-LP Cheetahs In RAID 0


    • #3
      Until we get your specs, I'll just say...the intro screen (beleive it or not) is supposed to look like that..."stylized" I guess you could call it. It is hard to read, and when I first saw it, I thought something was wrong too...but thats what it looks like
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4

        here are my specs:

        Dell intel Sea440BX,
        g400 max w factory bios
        win 98 SE
        256 AGP aperture
        PD 5.41
        DirectX 7.0 (not a)
        128 megs ram
        Max on IRQ 11
        also on IRQ 11 is IRQ holder for PCI steering


        [This message has been edited by Grant (edited 30 December 1999).]
        Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 256 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, PD 6.22, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 8.0a,TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100


        • #5
          I never got the G400 tech demo to work either, and after a 40 meg download. When I get past the kooky menu screen with white text and gray background (that can't be right), it crashes and I'm back to my desktop. The same happens for all OpenGL games for me, so I guess I'm having a different kind of problem...

          Assuming that thy coded the tech demo in OpenGL, which wouldn't make a single bit of sense.
          My hardware:

          Matrox Millenium G400 16mb
          Asus P5a-b super socket7 motherboard
          K6-2 300 processor
          128mb pc-100 SDRAM

          My software:

          Matrox bios version 1.3
          Matrox drivers 5.41
          TurboGL 1.0002
          Motherboard bios version 1009b1
          Directx version 7a
          Windows version 98SE


          • #6
            Had the same Problem. Techdemo crashed back to desktop if starting the 3D Scene.
            'Cause I'm overclocking my processor I only upped my Core Voltage (from 2.5V to 2.6V, thanks Alpha!).
            Techdemo works now, so does all OpenGL Games (of course without TGL)


            K6-3 400Mhz@450Mhz
            G400 16MB, 192MB Ram and so on
            K6-3 400Mhz@450Mhz
            G400 16MB, 192MB Ram and so on


            • #7
              Wierd... I'm not overclocking anything. I wonder what's happening.
              My hardware:

              Matrox Millenium G400 16mb
              Asus P5a-b super socket7 motherboard
              K6-2 300 processor
              128mb pc-100 SDRAM

              My software:

              Matrox bios version 1.3
              Matrox drivers 5.41
              TurboGL 1.0002
              Motherboard bios version 1009b1
              Directx version 7a
              Windows version 98SE


              • #8
                I don't know if this applies here, but I've heard of people's games crashing to the desktop if there's not enough room for the swap file to grow.


                People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...
                People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...


                • #9

                  I also had that desktop thing when I had problems with the AGP

                  When it was disabled everything was OK but when enabled it would happen

                  It proved to be that it was a driver problem. Win98 don't come out of the box with 440GX drivers so I had to go to Intel and download them.. That installed drs for the AGP bridge and everything runs fine now (apart from some lockups every now and then)


                  PC Power and Cooling Deluxe Chrome Tower case and 300W ATX Power Supply, Dual Slot1 440GX AMI MegaRUM II motherboard, 128MB of ECC 100 MHz SDRAM, PII 450 MHz, Matrox G400 MAX, Seagate Cheetah 9,1GB @ primary SCSI Ultra2 Wide controller, Hitachi 4x DVD-ROM, Panasonic (Matsushita) LS-120 Drive, Terratec EWS64XL sound card.

                  PC Power and Cooling Deluxe Chrome Tower case and 300W ATX Power Supply, Dual Slot1 440GX AMI MegaRUM II motherboard, 128MB of ECC 100 MHz SDRAM, PII 450 MHz, Matrox G400 MAX, Seagate Cheetah 9,1GB @ primary SCSI Ultra2 Wide controller, Hitachi 4x DVD-ROM, Panasonic (Matsushita) LS-120 Drive, Terratec EWS64XL sound card.


                  • #10
                    Thanks GD. I have gotten the latest AGP drivers, but I haven't used the tweaking util much... I'll see what success I have with that.

                    Billko, thanks for your bit of advice. As a matter of fact, I have my min/max swapfile settings at 96mb to accompany my 160mb of real ram. I did try to let Windows handle the swapfile, but I don't think it helped. However, since you did mention it, I think it's well worth another shot. Thanks.

                    My hardware:

                    Matrox Millenium G400 16mb
                    Asus P5a-b super socket7 motherboard
                    K6-2 300 processor
                    128mb pc-100 SDRAM

                    My software:

                    Matrox bios version 1.3
                    Matrox drivers 5.41
                    TurboGL 1.0002
                    Motherboard bios version 1009b1
                    Directx version 7a
                    Windows version 98SE
                    My hardware:

                    Matrox Millenium G400 16mb
                    Asus P5a-b super socket7 motherboard
                    K6-2 300 processor
                    128mb pc-100 SDRAM

                    My software:

                    Matrox bios version 1.3
                    Matrox drivers 5.41
                    TurboGL 1.0002
                    Motherboard bios version 1009b1
                    Directx version 7a
                    Windows version 98SE

