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G400 Max & VIA Apollo Pro133A? (Compatability)

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  • G400 Max & VIA Apollo Pro133A? (Compatability)

    I just purchased a Tyan board that *features* the VIA Pro133A chipset. I've been seeing tidbits about issues concerning compatability with the AGP4x implemented by VIA and the Matrox card.

    Bottom line: I'm building my system and I want the G400 MAX card to be in it. Will it work? (and Will it work as well as all the reviews I have seen says?) Or will I have to end up going with some other card?

    I've contacted Tyan and they say that Matrox makes the incompatability claim. Matrox has not responded yet (I'm still giving them time though.)

    Any thoughts, ideas, et al would be appreciated.

    If it don't work when it comes out of the box...send the box back with a little something extra... roadkill perhaps?
    If it don't work when it comes out of the box...send the box back with a little something extra... roadkill perhaps?

  • #2
    The G400s are all 4X compatible. However not all are 4X capable. Only those with 4A in their part number can do 4X transfers.

    Mark F.

    OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a CD

    Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
    OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
    and burped out a movie


    • #3
      I think AquaSphere is worried about VIA's implementation of AGP 4x, and its compatabilty with the G400, rather that the G400's AGP 4x abilities.

      From what I've heard/read. The Tyan boards with VIA 133A chipset have some 'issues' with GeForce cards. I've not heard of problems with other cards.


      • #4
        Exactly. I am concerned only about if the G400 Max will work with the VIA Pro133A chipset I have. I don't care who's not compliant with what...just whether or not the card will function and produce the excellent performance that is reflected in so many reviews around the net.

        Anyone have this card (or the G400) in a board with this chipset? Any problems?

        If it don't work when it comes out of the box...send the box back with a little something extra... roadkill perhaps?
        If it don't work when it comes out of the box...send the box back with a little something extra... roadkill perhaps?

