Ive been looking at getting a hardware soloution to playing NTSC DVD's on my TV
it is a Phillips 32" Widescreen TV
there is not option to switch between pal/ntsc or auto. However i can plug my friends Jap Dreamcast into the primary Scart socket/RGB siganl? and it works fine color and everyting
So anyway, if you read all the info out there closely, Even the famed Hollywood magic+ /Creative DXr3 has the 'jitter problem' it does do PAL60 which solves some peoples problems, but im not sure if my tv can take the siganl.
In my research ive concluded that the only card to ever properly convert NTSC to PAL was the DXR2 card from creative (the one i used to have before it dies about a year ago)
If i select NTSC in the outputs in my G400 settings, i get a black and white picture. If i was to purchase an S-VHS to RGB lead and plug it into my primary Scart socket would i get a color picture, and (and as a resut jitter free playback) ala my pals Jap Dreamcast.
obviously i dont want to purchase a lead that wont work, so i was just wondering if you guys knew.
Ideally i would like to be able to tape jitter free NTSC movies onto Video. Some to lend to friends (hey at least im honest) and got others so i can recapture them and edit trailers out of them as im a media student and do stuff like this often for projects
But hey, playing back movies frame perfect
would be way cool.
so can anyone help with the definative answers to these questions?
Ive been looking at getting a hardware soloution to playing NTSC DVD's on my TV
it is a Phillips 32" Widescreen TV
there is not option to switch between pal/ntsc or auto. However i can plug my friends Jap Dreamcast into the primary Scart socket/RGB siganl? and it works fine color and everyting
So anyway, if you read all the info out there closely, Even the famed Hollywood magic+ /Creative DXr3 has the 'jitter problem' it does do PAL60 which solves some peoples problems, but im not sure if my tv can take the siganl.
In my research ive concluded that the only card to ever properly convert NTSC to PAL was the DXR2 card from creative (the one i used to have before it dies about a year ago)
If i select NTSC in the outputs in my G400 settings, i get a black and white picture. If i was to purchase an S-VHS to RGB lead and plug it into my primary Scart socket would i get a color picture, and (and as a resut jitter free playback) ala my pals Jap Dreamcast.
obviously i dont want to purchase a lead that wont work, so i was just wondering if you guys knew.
Ideally i would like to be able to tape jitter free NTSC movies onto Video. Some to lend to friends (hey at least im honest) and got others so i can recapture them and edit trailers out of them as im a media student and do stuff like this often for projects
But hey, playing back movies frame perfect
would be way cool.
so can anyone help with the definative answers to these questions?