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Win2K/G400 Easter egg

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  • #16
    I think it's nice to see that most of them DON'T wear glasses.
    Since they prolly have Matrox cards in their work rigs, you can see that even a person that works hard all day, seven days a week, developing great new software (suck up, suck up ) can still have "Eyes O' Da Hawk" if they use the best vidcard... Go Matrox...
    Heh, yeah... Phoenix, you and your buddies REALLY should get out on the sun more often
    BOINC stats


    • #17
      Thanx Phoenix !

      ... that's what I thought, but wasn't too sure ...


      Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...
      Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

      ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
      Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
      be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
      4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
      2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
      OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
      4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
      Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
      Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
      LG BH10LS38
      LG DM2752D 27" 3D


      • #19
        Here is an explanation as to why Software Engineers tend to be Follicaly Disadvantaged and always so pale looking.

        Points to ponder:

        A man is flying a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts, "Excuse me. Can you help me? I promised my friend I would meet him
        half an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

        The man below says, "Yes, you are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees N. Latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees W. longitude."

        "You must be an engineer," says the balloonist.

        "I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"

        "Well, everything you have told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost."

        The man below says, "You must be a manager."

        "I am," replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

        "Well," say the man below, "you don't know where you are, or where you are going. You have made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in exactly
        the same position you were in before, but now it is somehow my fault."

        <FONT SIZE=4>... ROTFLMAO<SUP>tm</SUP> ...
        <FONT SIZE=1><SUP>tm</SUP> courtesy of ALBPM aka Darth Mahl [MU]<FONT SIZE=2>
        "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


        • #20
          Suggested captions for this pic might include:

          Awaiting Hair Club Membership...
          Dont drink the water....
          Rogaine Warriors....
          Hard at Work

          -Dil.. who just needed to have a laugh.. good job with those drivers, but keep going!!!!!

          I'm not just a MURCer, I'm also a client!

          Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


          • #21
            Goc, you see it wrong... They must use the DualHead Zoom function more often than we do

            But I agree on the tanning season. How about using Maggi's 22" sunburning monitors, guys?



            • #22
              If anyone else started this thread it would have been booted to the soap box ages ago.

              I vote we censure Kruzin for double standards.

              Actually, might be a good place to have a whinge about the lack of any new Windows 2000 drivers



              • #23
                I was wondering (as I typed the original post) how long it would take someone to say something like that
                Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                • #24
                  So go ahead, Kruz ...

                  Kick yourself in the butt and ban yourself right after closing this thread


                  And don't dare to re-register under a different name ...
                  Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

                  ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
                  Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
                  be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
                  4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
                  2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
                  OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
                  4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
                  Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
                  Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
                  LG BH10LS38
                  LG DM2752D 27" 3D


                  • #25
                    Don't say that, Maggi... before we know it he's off for the weekend, leaving us with all those weirdo's (no better than ourselves, mind you !!) posting weird things on these fori

                    But I think I saw a nice padlock with chain HERE




                    • #26
                      ...So that's why the Windows 2000 threads have stayed open so long!


