Where can I find a Millenium G200 AGP 8MB card? I want to replace the cheap Diamond Speedstar that came in my new work PC but I can't find the G200 anywhere. I've searched the internet and both the full retail version and the OEM version are basically unavailable (if I find a hit, when I go to the website it turns out there really aren't any in stock). I'm even working ebay but so far I haven't hit paydirt. Suggestions? Thanks!
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Trying to find Millenium G200 AGP 8MB
Thanks for your reply. Right after I posted my message I found an OEM version from AllstarShop for $53.75 and they say they have stock, so I ordered it. We'll see. I had already tried two of the remaining three sites you list but when push came to shove they did not have the item in stock. Thanks again for your time and input.
I've got one for sale, only it's not a millenuim, but a mystique. It is only a very small amount slower. Hardly noticeable, even in benchmarks. It is AGP, and 8meg.
AsusP2B ,iCeleron525(7x75), 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound, 2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.41 w/Turbo MCD and beta ICD
AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.