Can some one show me a picture, or give me a link to a good pic of a 16/32 meg SingeHead card. I tried searching the forums but my Skillz just arent enought. Any help would be great. Thanx
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G400 SingleHead?
Don't remember seeing any pics of a single head card except for some of Iskandhar Shahril's handy work.
There are more pictures at
[This message has been edited by RoGuE (edited 01 February 2000).]
I have G400 SH 32M and it preforms just like Dualheads that I've seen. I post some bechmarkresults later today ( after 20.30 GMT) . I have clocked it to run @120 % with Matrox tweak utility and it has been as stable as rock . Here in Finland price difference between DH retail and SH bulk is only a couple hundred FIM (~30 us $). So if it is about the same there i would consider DH (if there is any possibilities that you will use 2 monitors), but if you are sure that you use just one monitor SH is ok.
Compton, I have an OEM Sh 32meg G400, and the memory isn't weird. It runs fine, and I can o/c it to about 130% or so. I don't run it this fast as this card prolly has to last until the year 3004, with my financial situation, but I do run it at 121% all the time. Anyway, the price for a 32megSh was $230.00 canadian and the price for a dh was 280. This was back in october tho. I did buy it when it was a newer thing.
AsusP2B ,iCeleron525(7x75), 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound, 2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.41 w/Turbo MCD and beta ICD
AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.