Hi everyone! I was hoping somebodoy could maybe give me a quick hand with a problem I'm having with my G400max & VIA 133 system (AOpen AX63Pro).
Let's see..where to start. I guess the problem I appear to be having now is that I can't seem to consistently run 3d apps, they just tend to kick me out after a few minutes. Quake 3 will not run at all (locks up right at the beginning) and things like 3dmark2000 just boot me out. I'm running Powerdesk 5.41 (i tried 5.5 as well) and the system is running at 155fsb, agp/2 -> 78. I've clocked the RAM to fsb, also tried fsb-33. It doesn't seem to be the system since every other application runs fine. I ran Prime 95 for several hours with no problems, yet 3d apps within 1-2 minutes just exit back to the desktop. agp 2x is enabled, and I tried both with and without the VIA 3.59 AGP drivers in both turbo and normal mode (both seem to do the same thing). I noticed that 3dmark2000 would at least run a couple of times withOUT the VIA 3.59 driver installed, but then the machine would blue screen after exiting (which i understand is normal without the 3.59 driver). OS is Windows '98 Second Edition.
I thought that maybe it was the TurboGL driver for Quake 3 (i haven't had a chance to try without it yet) but that wouldn't answer my 3dmark2000 problem. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks guys.
Let's see..where to start. I guess the problem I appear to be having now is that I can't seem to consistently run 3d apps, they just tend to kick me out after a few minutes. Quake 3 will not run at all (locks up right at the beginning) and things like 3dmark2000 just boot me out. I'm running Powerdesk 5.41 (i tried 5.5 as well) and the system is running at 155fsb, agp/2 -> 78. I've clocked the RAM to fsb, also tried fsb-33. It doesn't seem to be the system since every other application runs fine. I ran Prime 95 for several hours with no problems, yet 3d apps within 1-2 minutes just exit back to the desktop. agp 2x is enabled, and I tried both with and without the VIA 3.59 AGP drivers in both turbo and normal mode (both seem to do the same thing). I noticed that 3dmark2000 would at least run a couple of times withOUT the VIA 3.59 driver installed, but then the machine would blue screen after exiting (which i understand is normal without the 3.59 driver). OS is Windows '98 Second Edition.
I thought that maybe it was the TurboGL driver for Quake 3 (i haven't had a chance to try without it yet) but that wouldn't answer my 3dmark2000 problem. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks guys.