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Difference in DVD MAX and Clone or Multi Display

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  • Difference in DVD MAX and Clone or Multi Display

    Outputting DVD's with DVDMAX looks noticable better than running Clone in full screen.
    not only does the DVDMAX fill the entire screen... it simply looks better.

    and the DVDMAX option doesn't matter what res you're at or anything. it just outputs the mpeg2 stream to fit the TV screen.

    you should set the "aspect ratio detect" to "based on window size" and enable "preserve source cropping" for anamorphic dvd's to play correctly...
    <font size=1>Primary System: ASUS P4B533-E, Intel Pentium4 1.6A GHz, 512MB Samsung PC2700, Leadtek GF4 Ti4200 64MB, SB Audigy, 2xSeagate Barracuda IV 80GB, Pioneer DVD 106S, NEC CD-R 40/10/40, InWin Q500 Case w/ Enermax 353W PSU, Windows XP Pro, Samsung SyncMaster 753DFX.

    Secondary System: ECS K7S5A, Athlon XP 1600+, 256MB PC133, Asus GF2 GTS 32MB, Seagate Barracuda IV 20GB, Aopen HQ08 Case, Windows XP Pro.</font>

  • #2
    Anyone else noticed that you get better quality picture on your TV with DVDMAX when the window on your monitor is fullscreen or cinema size?
    Seems to make quite a difference on mine.
    Don't know about any difference in versions of Powerdesk as I have only used DVDMAX with 5.41


    G400 32MB DualHead,
    QDI Brilliant 1 Mobo,
    Pioneer 104S DVD ROM,
    3.2GB Quantum Fireball UDMA HD,
    Int. IDE ZIP Drive,
    ASUSCOM ISDN TA (Internal)
    10/100MB Fast Ethernet Card,
    SB AWE64 Gold,
    Belinea 10 70 10, 17" Monitor,
    Hmmmm and a Floppy Drive

    Geforce 4 Ti 4200 64MB,
    ABIT SA6R 815E MB,
    Pioneer 104S DVD ROM,
    Plextor 16/10/40A CDwriter,
    40GB UDMA100 Fujitsu HD,
    80GB Maxtor ATA133 7200RPM HD,
    Int. IDE ZIP Drive,
    512K ADSL Link
    10/100MB Fast Ethernet Card,
    SB Live 1024,
    Belinea 10 70 10, 17" Monitor,
    Hmmmm and a Floppy Drive


    • #3
      some movies start with a smaller window than "default" which makes the picturequality poorer, selecting size=default, cinema or fullscreen makes this good again...

      seems to happen only on PAL dvd's tho.
      can't see any difference with movies that start at the default window size when i select cinema or fullscreen.
      <font size=1>Primary System: ASUS P4B533-E, Intel Pentium4 1.6A GHz, 512MB Samsung PC2700, Leadtek GF4 Ti4200 64MB, SB Audigy, 2xSeagate Barracuda IV 80GB, Pioneer DVD 106S, NEC CD-R 40/10/40, InWin Q500 Case w/ Enermax 353W PSU, Windows XP Pro, Samsung SyncMaster 753DFX.

      Secondary System: ECS K7S5A, Athlon XP 1600+, 256MB PC133, Asus GF2 GTS 32MB, Seagate Barracuda IV 20GB, Aopen HQ08 Case, Windows XP Pro.</font>


      • #4
        Difference in DVD MAX and Clone or Multi Display

        Hi there,
        should or is there a difference in output quality between the different PD-options if I wan't to watch DVD on my TV.
        I think there is, but should it?

        And, are there any set-up options for the DVD-max option? I mean, does it automatically set the resolution for the TV?

