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  • ANISOTROPIC filtering

    what exactly is ANISOTROPIC filtering? the g400 seems to feature this, but what does it affect? and does enabling it slow down framerates? and does directx/openGL feature this and what games?

    \\ Surfwienix //

    My System:

    AMD K6-2/400 non-o/c
    Epox MVP3C-M Super7
    128MB SDRAM(PC100)
    -> G400 MAX (PD 5.30+TGL1.0+DX7a) non-o/c
    Terratec DMX Canyon3D
    6,4GB Maxtor HDD (UDMA33)
    ASUS 50x-CDROM (UDMA33)
    Realtek 8019 Ethernet (ISA)
    19" Monitor CTX-VL950T (95khz)
    my system:

    AMD XP 2000+
    Abit KTA7 (VIA 4.49)
    512MB SDRAM133
    Matrox Millennium G400 MAX (5.91, AGP 2x)
    Windows XP Prof

  • #2
    hey, nobody knows it???
    my system:

    AMD XP 2000+
    Abit KTA7 (VIA 4.49)
    512MB SDRAM133
    Matrox Millennium G400 MAX (5.91, AGP 2x)
    Windows XP Prof


    • #3
      There are 2 common ways of filtering textures. First, fastest but ugliest, is billinear. Billinear filtering takes 2 near pixels and approximate third. Second used filtering is trillinear, which takes 3 near pixels of texture. That metod gives better result and eliminate sharp borders of clear and blurry mip-maped texture. Trillinear takes frame rate penalty of cca. 30% on G400.
      Anisotropic filtering is similiar like trillinear, but it takes in consider pixel position and angle of view. For example, if you look at the end of trillinear filtered texture under some angle you will notice strange result. Anisotropic filtering makes it look more naturally. Not sure about frame rate penalty but it sure takes more than 30% of speed.

