Hi, I am trying to get a Millenium II running together with a Diamond Monster II under Win98 on an Asus TX-97X with an AMD K6 200 CPU. After a few minutes every game just locks up (freezes). 3Dmark 99 and 2000 freezes also after a couple of minutes.
- It is not a heat problem.
- Monster II runs forever on a PII-350 on a 440BX chipset. No problems at all.
- latest bios, latest drivers, latest directx
- remapped E/A of Monster to higher values
- Put Monster in all other available PCI slots.
This combo did run under Win95 using DirectX 5 with Diamonds 2.203 drivers. But since then (July 98) neither update of a newer DirectX Version 6, 6.1 or 7, 7.0a did work nor a driver update for the Monster to 2.205 or 2.207: crashed with the same symptoms!
My question, is anyone using a socket 7 board together a Millenium II and a Voodoo card able to run latest directX and drivers?
Or did anyone remember problems with 3dfx and Matrox cards when DirectX 6 came up.
Please help me! I am desperate because I ordered a K6-III 400 CPU which would be useless if I can't use the Graphics combo together!
- It is not a heat problem.
- Monster II runs forever on a PII-350 on a 440BX chipset. No problems at all.
- latest bios, latest drivers, latest directx
- remapped E/A of Monster to higher values
- Put Monster in all other available PCI slots.
This combo did run under Win95 using DirectX 5 with Diamonds 2.203 drivers. But since then (July 98) neither update of a newer DirectX Version 6, 6.1 or 7, 7.0a did work nor a driver update for the Monster to 2.205 or 2.207: crashed with the same symptoms!
My question, is anyone using a socket 7 board together a Millenium II and a Voodoo card able to run latest directX and drivers?
Or did anyone remember problems with 3dfx and Matrox cards when DirectX 6 came up.
Please help me! I am desperate because I ordered a K6-III 400 CPU which would be useless if I can't use the Graphics combo together!