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g400 locking up, suggestions?

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  • g400 locking up, suggestions?

    My computer has locked up frequently, mostly in games. programs work perfect, ok every once in a while it locks up but the world aint perfect. As i said, its mainly in games, i have opengl screensavers and ogl plugs to winamp, but they never lock up. Ive been through the forums and looked for similar problem and ive tried many things, like changing the AGP aperture (or however its spelled), took out everything but the necessary like hd, cd, proc etc. Ive checked that the g400 got its own irq, 11. I do not think it is heatrelated, got it close to a cool window, and when i touch it, its not that hot. I changed in the display settings with the hardware acceleration, but to no work, still locks up. I have a clue that it might be the ram, 64 mb pc100, perhaps its a bad ram. I do not think it is win98 all the time, cause everything just freezes, no bsod.. any suggestions?



    p2 350
    64mb pc100
    MSI 6119 mobo
    matrox g400
    creative ensoniq soundcard
    Aopen 56k modem
    maxtor 8.4gb
    maxtor 20.4gb
    generic cd
    cordless logitech mouse
    generic keyb
    Nokia 447V at the moment.


  • #2
    Well, if your screensavers don't lock up, we know it's not OGL... and if programs usually don't lock up, but games do, I don't see how it could be your RAM... then you'd be seeing a lot more freezes, generaly, I should think.

    I'm wondering, first of all about that AudioPCI card. Afaik, it had some problems (I have a non-Creative one myself, but I've never used it). Are there any conflicts with that?

    Here's some further info on tweaks for the card.

    Do the lockups you experience in games have anything in common?



    • #3
      Could of course be heat related. What with yer OGL screensavers and winamp plugs it doesn't sound as if your card is getting much cooling down time.
      Warning: Sigs may seriously damage your health...


      • #4
        1. yes ive forced agp 1x. ITs on that right now.

        2. How do i change memory timing?
        3. Will get the latest mobo bios.
        4. Agp aper.. Ive changed that to 256, no change.
        5. There's been no conflict, as far as windows showing, with the ensoniq.
        6. I dont run the screensavers and the plugins all the time though, i installed them to try if it was ogl related or anything, but no lockups whatsoever. I will try quake2 and run ogl and see if it locks up. Colin Mcrae racing game locks up frequently and its d3d. Need for speed 3, d3d too locks too. And it locks up without the ensonic soundcard too..

        7. will find out if i got the latest mobo bios.

        8. Theres nothing in common with the lockups in the games.. well, the lockups freezes the computer, like, the picture gets frozen, the mouse doesnt work, keyb doest work, not even ctrl alt del, and the sound (if i got the sound card in) keeps repeating, like the last second or two sound, keeps repeating til i press the reset button...

        Thanks for trying to help



        • #5
          Have you tried forcing AGP1X?
          P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


          • #6
            Things to try/consider:

            1. Changing memory timing.

            2. Making sure you have the latest mobo BIOS.

            3. Setting your AGP aperture to 256 (this helps, although it's the wrong setting, on many systems).

            - Gurm

            Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

            I'm the least you could do
            If only life were as easy as you
            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
            If only life were as easy as you
            I would still get screwed


            • #7
              Ok, a little update here.

              1. I checked the mobo bios and i didnt have the latest one.
              2. I tried Quake 2, opengl, works perfect, sooo good. I also tried Homeworld, space game, and i can choose whether to use d3d or opengl, d3d, locks up... opengl, works perfect. no lockups.
              3. I still have no idea how to change memory timing, Gurm, can you try and explain (newbie to that)..
              4. A question, can it just be plain ole' win98? win98 SE even. YOu suggest i just install FE and see how it runs..? Also, whenever i can get my hands on win2k, i will install that, you suggest i just wait til i get that installed and take care of any problems with win2k..? my luck, i'll have tons of em

              oh yea, you think i should wait til i get win2k to flash the mobo bios to the latest version? perhaps it will work fine with win2k with the bios version i am currently running. I would like to change bios though, cause the one i am running now, 2.6MS i can't change the cpu speed in bios, only with jumpers. They got a bios, 2.7MJ where you can change it in bios. Its for the same mobo and all. Anyone of you had any problems going from one to the other? they are both Award bios. This is the download page url for my mobo (6119):

              I think thats about it, thanks for trying to help me


