it's kind of hard to predict how any card with T.L will behave because until now all games still use software T.L routines that optimized to run on the cpu(that's what most developers are saying anyways),i mean there has to be a reason why all video card makers are adding T.L on their cards this year...even quake3 only takes advantage of the transformation part of the Geforce(not the lighting)so it isn't taking full advantage there yet.and every card maker that will integrate T.L into their cards will have specific optimizations on their chips that they need to inform developers about in order so that the developers themselves can optimize their games for,i think that's the main reason why were not seing a huge difference in performance right now,the user installed base has to grow a lot more before developers will go to the extra trouble making games that really take advantage of T.L,so i think it's still to early to pass judgement on the usefullness of T.L,my 0.2 cents anyway
