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Overclockig my G400 16mb(6ns).

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  • Overclockig my G400 16mb(6ns).

    I have a 16mb G400, with 6ns memory and an added fan to help keep it cool..

    I was wondering what the best settings are for clocking this amazing card..

    What memory settings should I use??

    I have already tried 144MHz Core and 180MHz Memory, which is fine for windows but some(Not All) Games crash randomly after a few mins.

    Am I overclocking the Memory too much??

    Thanks In Advance

  • #2
    My G400 16MB DH worked 150/200 for several hours before I restored defaults.
    It was running Q3 1024*760 allthe time, and didn't crash.
    ABIT BX6v2
    Alpha PAL6035, 27CFM fan
    64MB SDRAM 6ns
    G400 16MB DH
    Yamaha DS-XG
    Hitachi GD2500BX+


    • #3
      I run my vanilla 16mb sgram 6ns at 174/217 without a fan and with a fan it goes to 180/225 with agp@75mhz for over 4 months now pumping all, from 3d stuio max3 to UT or Q3 and 3dmark2000. imagine this on a 0.18 core
      P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
      128mb pc133 cas2
      13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
      16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

      about myself
      UT Slave
      Q3 pisser
      Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
      U9 stupid buyer
      Rally2000 pilot


      • #4
        Leporis, I think that has got to be a record!

        Celeron 366@567 2.2V, 128meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775

        Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775


        • #5
          leporis that can't be right..

          With a fan mine crashes even at 138 core and 172.5 memory!!!

          Playing Driver for 1/2 hour...

          Where do you live, in a shed in Greenland???


          • #6
            My Max won't even do 174/217!


            • #7
              i assure you guys that this is right because i notice a significant speed increase from the 150/200 to 180/225 and at this speed (i won´t even mention the speed increase from 126/168, oh! i already did!).
              In 3dmark 2000 i get a fillrate of:
              (all at 1024x768x16 z16bit)
              228MP @ 126/168
              265MP @ 150/200
              335MP @ 180/225 (have to slow mem timings)
              315MP @ 180/200
              P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
              128mb pc133 cas2
              13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
              16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

              about myself
              UT Slave
              Q3 pisser
              Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
              U9 stupid buyer
              Rally2000 pilot


              • #8
                Oh, i forgot to mention that my g400 is pretty old. it´s from late August, Honest
                P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                128mb pc133 cas2
                13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                about myself
                UT Slave
                Q3 pisser
                Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                U9 stupid buyer
                Rally2000 pilot


                • #9

                  You've got an amazing overclocking result even on a vanilla!!!

                  Can you publish your mem settings?? I think you need to tune the memory before you can go that high.
                  KJ Liew


                  • #10
                    that´s right kjliew, and here it goes:
                    the sgram optimizam window from top to bottom

                    P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                    128mb pc133 cas2
                    13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                    16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                    about myself
                    UT Slave
                    Q3 pisser
                    Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                    U9 stupid buyer
                    Rally2000 pilot
                    P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                    128mb pc133 cas2
                    13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                    16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                    about myself
                    UT Slave
                    Q3 pisser
                    Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                    U9 stupid buyer
                    Rally2000 pilot


                    • #11

                      Are you using these other settings wiith your mem settings??:

                      pll 435Mhz
                      Gclk 2.5
                      Duty cycle 0,11,0

                      And are you sure that you have 6ns of mem??

                      If it is correct, it doesn't work on my G400 and I got my card in June '99.

                      I do not know, do you?


                      • #12
                        yep Cyberdude i have 6ns mem. At least it´s what´s on the modules surface. As to the rest you´ve got it right

                        P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                        128mb pc133 cas2
                        13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                        16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                        about myself
                        UT Slave
                        Q3 pisser
                        Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                        U9 stupid buyer
                        Rally2000 pilot
                        P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                        128mb pc133 cas2
                        13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                        16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                        about myself
                        UT Slave
                        Q3 pisser
                        Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                        U9 stupid buyer
                        Rally2000 pilot


                        • #13
                          WOW I've got something right!!!
                          By calculating......!!

                          Did you use the misc settings??

                          MAybe it's that I have 32Mb??
                          Me like your speed!!

                          I do not know, do you?


                          • #14
                            Nope, didn´t use the miscellaenous control tab.

                            Me like my speed too!!!LOL
                            P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                            128mb pc133 cas2
                            13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                            16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                            about myself
                            UT Slave
                            Q3 pisser
                            Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                            U9 stupid buyer
                            Rally2000 pilot

                            [This message has been edited by leporis (edited 16 February 2000).]
                            P2350@400 (hope to change this line)
                            128mb pc133 cas2
                            13,6 Gb IBM 7200rpm
                            16mb vanilla@174/217 (proudly said!)

                            about myself
                            UT Slave
                            Q3 pisser
                            Nocturne Lover(Nocturne the game)
                            U9 stupid buyer
                            Rally2000 pilot

