I spoke with Matrox tech support on Thursday (as I was installing Win2000 Pro...). The person I spoke with (sorry, can't remember his name) indicated new divers should be out sometime this week.
Perhaps, even possibily by Monday.
'nuf to say Matrox is supporting as many OS's as possible, and seems to be doing a better job of turning out drivers than other companies...

Gateway G6-400 - Intel 440bx Tabor mobo, 128mb RAM, Intel PIII 550 processor, Matrox G400 SH, onboard Ensoniq AudioPCI sound chip, Epson Perfection 610 Scanner and Windows 2000 Professional
Perhaps, even possibily by Monday.
'nuf to say Matrox is supporting as many OS's as possible, and seems to be doing a better job of turning out drivers than other companies...

Gateway G6-400 - Intel 440bx Tabor mobo, 128mb RAM, Intel PIII 550 processor, Matrox G400 SH, onboard Ensoniq AudioPCI sound chip, Epson Perfection 610 Scanner and Windows 2000 Professional