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Matrox MGA Millennium review from 1997

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  • Matrox MGA Millennium review from 1997

    ahhhh the old days 'somethings never do change though "The card delivers astounding 2D VGA performance and Matrox has a proven track record for improving the card's performance with new device drivers. Matrox's version 3.0 drivers, which should be available by the time you read this, are supposed to deliver a 20 percent performance boost across the board."

    Stay true to a proven line of marketing

  • #2
    And look at how much they wanted for that little puppy. I remember when I bought my first MGA Millennium card about 4 years ago. It had 2MB of WRAM upgradeable to 8MB and cost me $329.00USD. It's amazing how much better the equipment is now days while at the same time costing considerable less in comparison.


    [This message has been edited by Joel (edited 24 February 2000).]
    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
    OS: Windows XP Pro.
    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


    • #3
      Some things never change .

      I wonder if anybody has some of the brochures for the Impression Plus, which was to feature a video acceleration module - but after 12 months nothing appeared, and the Millennium was released! That was in the early days of the Internet, Matrox got torn to shreds on Compuserve and decided to offer a discount to all Impression users that had purchased the card under the "impression" that a video acceleration module was to be released.



      • #4
        I still have my old Millenium and under BeOS it asolutely rocks. I bought it with my computer in June 96 for around 400$ with 2 megs. Still one hell of a card in 2D.

        Asus P2B-DS, 2 x Celeron 400@75Mhz, 128Mb Ram, Xitel Storm Platinum,
        2 x IBM 4.3Gb scsi,IBM 22GB IDE, Pioneer DVD ROM scsi, G400 32MB DH (Oc to 150/200).

        Asus P2B-DS, 2 x Celeron 450 (400@75Mhz), 192Mb Ram, SB Live! Platinum,
        2 x IBM 4.3Gb scsi,IBM 22GB IDE, Pioneer DVD ROM scsi, G400 32MB DH.


        • #5
          I bought my Millennium 2MB about 4.5 years ago for around £320 that was a couple of weeks wages for me at the time

          The card is stil going strong and is in use every day in my PC at work, it's been running 24/7 virtually from the day I bought it and I've never had a single problem with it, money well spent


          • #6
            My old 4meg Millennium is in my sis's machine, and will be visiting me this weekend, as her HD crapped out on her.

            I remember wanting one of those puppies so badly when they came out, but not having the cash for it. At the time I was spinning a screwdriver in a PC shop. We got an order for a large multi-build, with 15 PCs with 2 meg Millenniums. When we got the box from our supplier, it had 15 2meg cards, and one 4 meg card (not shown on the invoice). Somehow that 4meg card ended up in my machine, and has been in constant use ever since
            Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


            • #7
              Does anybody knows if it is possible to get the millenium to work with win2000 ???
              (with old nt4 drivers for example ?)


              • #8
                I got several older HP Vectra VL5/166 PC's to set up as diagnostic computers for the district and one had a Millenium II PCI video card in it. Looks much better than the S3 Trio chip soldered on the MB's of the others, keeping that one for us.
                MSI K7D Master L, Water Cooled, All SCSI
                Modded XP2000's @ 1800 (12.5 x 144 FSB)
                512MB regular Crucial PC2100
                Matrox P
                X15 36-LP Cheetahs In RAID 0


                • #9
                  bidon17, Millennium works fine, W2k has built in drivers for it. No 3D of course, but it doesn't really compare to a modern 3D card anyway.



                  • #10
                    Sold my Mil for a G200 and that was a mistake and a nightmare.


                    • #11
                      Thank you all for the response. Didn't realize the driver was included with 2000. I have a combo millenium (first one) with voodoo and I though it should still be good enough to run most software (beside latest games). will save me a $100 bucks !


                      • #12
                        Everybody is proud to have shell out $300.00 for a 2MB Mill 1 but will anybody but me admit to have pissed away >$300 for the XL-MPEG daughtercard.

                        All together now... LLLLOOOOOOOOSSSSEEEERRRR

                        That puppy got replaced by 6MB of WRAM which was a much better investment. Too bad it's currently living an easy life on my file server with an old 14" Samtron VGA monitor attached.

                        Al out.
                        Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


                        • #13
                          This should cheer you up Al Disney bought a bunch of media XL cards and still use them today.

                          At that time, it was a good mpeg1 accelerator and an excellent MCI package.



                          • #14
                            jeez, if Disney _still uses them today_ I'll have to whip mine, slap it back on the side of my Mill 1 and erh.. well.. hmmm.

                            What exactly could I do with this thing in NT4?

                            Any suggestions?? Besides a long distance phone call to Disney ;-)

                            Al out
                            Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


                            • #15
                              I haven't been able to get away from Matrox video cards from the time of my first Win95-based PC. Although I never had the original Millennium, I have had the Mystique 4MB, Mystique 220, Mystique G200 and now the Millennium G400MAX. I did have a Monster 3D II, but sold it when I got my G400. I remember the days when original Mystique was a kick-ass game card.

