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Directx 7.0a and new drivers 5.52 has severe problems

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  • Directx 7.0a and new drivers 5.52 has severe problems

    Hi, this is the first time I write in this forum and I hope I did well.
    Well, last monday I installed new drivers Matrox PowerDesk 5.52 (which is
    supossed to be a final version) and when I rebooted the computer I realized
    that the mouse pointer hanged and frezzed. I don't like this very much,
    so I started Directx 7.0a test and when i was testing DirectDraw features
    (you know, that white spinning cube on black background) the test aborted with
    several fatal HRESULT errors (as you may knows, HRESULT is a DirectDraw
    data type which conteins error and excepcion (similar to a boolean type)).

    I tried to reisntall the drivers and Directx but I had the same problem,
    so had to unistall the drivers and reinstall the previous version Matrox
    PowerDesk 5.5010 (which was supossed to be a beta, but was full operative
    and directx ran well). Anyone knows why i have this problem?. Please,
    write me the solution o tell me where i can get it, thanks.

    Computer: PII 350 MHz (not overclocked), Xentor mainboard with I440 bx
    chipset, 64 Mb RAM, Matrox G400 32Mb DH, SoundBlaster 64 PCI, Windows 98
    (version 4.10).

  • #2
    Mouse stopped moving, or the whole system locked up? USB mice to have a tendency to stop moving under Win9x, especially when Windows is under heavy load.

    If the whole system locked up, it's possible that with the new drivers Powerdesk is trying to set the video card to run in AGP2X, which causes problems on some crappier mainboards. Who the hell is 'Xentor'? Are you sure that's the name of the motherboard, or do they take someone else's board and slap their sticker on it?


    • #3
      Yes, try to force AGP2x and also make some proper adjustments to the System BIOS.

      You can search this forum on tons of info on what settings to set for each BIOS settings that affects the G400.

      Hope that helps...
      Abit KT7A-RAID, TBird AVIA 1ghz o/c 1.3ghz, 256Mb Infineon PC133 SDRAM, G400 32Mb DH, Maxtor DM+60 30G, Quantum Fireball ST 3.2, Toshiba 32X, HP CDWriter 9100i, Samsung 700IFT, HP Deskjet 710C, Philips Acoustic Edge, Sirocco Crossfire


      • #4
        If you had good experiences with the beta drivers, you might want to keep using them. Some people like them better.


