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G400Max / NO 3D

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  • G400Max / NO 3D

    I have an Abit BE6 128mb
    Win98 SE
    Creative 5x DVD
    2940UW Scsi Card
    IBM 13 Gig UDMA66 Drive
    SB Live sound card
    Hoontech DigitalXG sound card
    Ethernet card (forgot which one)
    Matrox G400 Max

    I have 2d working, but the system locks up when I try anything 3D. Also, the drivers on installation recognize the card as a standard 400 not a max. (Yes I'm sure it is a max card)

    What are the first couple of things I should try to get this darn thing working?

    I've allready tried reinserting the card, iserting the card without screwing it in, and tried several different versions of drivers, but still can't get it to work with any 3d programs. It has it's own IRQ. Tried Q3 demo, GTA2, ect. Any Ideas?


    [This message has been edited by EHUFF (edited 08 March 2000).]

  • #2
    The drivers for the standard G400 and the G400 Max are one and the same. You shouldn't worry about it.

    Make sure the board is properly inserted in the AGP slot, that it is all the way in (give it a good push), and that it is properly aligned. Abit owners in particular have been plagued by this issue, but I've seen problems with other motherboards as well.

    Go into your motherboard's BIOS and open your AGP aperture to 256 MB. Disable all *video* caching and shadowing. This can fix a lot of problems with the G400.

    If you're using drivers from the installation CD, uninstall them using Matrox's uninstaller utility and install the PowerDesk 5.52 drivers.

    You said the Max has it's own IRQ. Which one? The board should be on IRQ 9, 10, or 11.

    You should make absolutely sure there are no traces of your old board's drivers left. This is a common issue with new videocard installs. Hunt for old drivers and registry entries. Boot into safe mode and check if boards other than the G400 are listed in Device Manager.

    If you haven't already tried this, uninstall your drivers with Matrox's uninstaller, and install the Standard PCI VGA driver. From VGA mode, run the setup program. Do not use the inf method.

    Good luck. Tell us how things turned out.



    • #3

      Thank you so much for the reply. Owning a G400max and not being able to get it to work properly is very frustrating. It's nice to hear from someone with some experience and the generosity to help.

      I'll try your suggestions ASAP and let you know what happens.......



      • #4
        Well, I got very lucky in that one of my friends here at work has a G400. It's the a single head oem version (G4+MA32G). I installed it in my computer and everything worked perfectly. The techdemo and quake3 worked just fine. I reinserted my G400 max and 3d graphics were totaly corupt if the game or demo worked at all.

        Tommorow I'm going to try my card on his system. If the graphics are corupt then it must be a problem with the G400max itself. Maybe the texure ram or something? Anyway, I've had the card for about 6 months but never tried 3d before. I bought from the Matrox online store so, hopefully they'll be helpful in replacing/fixing the card if it is bad.



        • #5
          So, I tried my G400 max in another system and it did not work. Oh well, I guess I'll have to send it in for repair/replacement.

          Thanks to all,

          E. Huff

