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is there a way to make the Matrox DVD player work in w2k?

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  • is there a way to make the Matrox DVD player work in w2k?

    i tried installing the program from the matrox cd, but it doesn't work. is there any woy around this or am I just stuck with this for now. I checked matrox's site but they haven't offered a version that'll work in w2k.

  • #2
    If dvd on win2k is important for you, you can get PowerDVD which works pretty well with our current drivers under win2k.

    If you can wait a while (no ETA), we should be releasing a win2k version of our ravisent bundle.



    • #3
      Hey, thanks Haig, I guess I'll just wait a bit till Matrox release a new version for w2k. oh well, I guess w98's gonna stay for at least a bit longer.


      • #4
        Hi Haig, can you tell me about overscan adjustment on W2k? I have PowerDVD but the screen doesn't fit to my Sony TV connected to the dualhead when watching video with DVDMax. It overscans about 2 inches at least from the sides, I'm not so sure about the top/bottom. On the other hand, the Clone desktop is smaller than the available TV screen.

        I can get the whole picture in DVDMax to fit if I output the video as 16/9, but then I have to use the TV settings to squish the image back and there will be large black frame around the picture (both sides and top/bottom).

        Is this related to the text in the readme.txt with the 5.03 drivers : "Monitor settings -tab is not implemented in this release..."? (Or something like that.) Will I be able to adjust overscanning with later releases in this tab? This basically sucks since it gives me two options: big over- or underscan...

        --- JaKa


        • #5
          Hi Jaka,

          in the next set of our win2k drivers (no ETA), the monitor tab will be included so you will be able to adjust your 2nd output.



          • #6
            Yehaw! I was so impressed with the dualhead quality that I can't wait for the adjustable overscan feature...

            I tried yesterday and I was actually able to read the Windows desktop text when experimenting with 1024*768 -resolution on Clone mode and PAL TV. I have a good TV set (Sony Wega), but still this is quite impressive: colors were clear and crisp and details were nice. Thumbs up for Matrox when it comes to dualhead feature!

            Now, when we have a working, optimised set of drivers for W2k, I'll be completely happy (no ETA...this is bad, I guess?)


            • #7
              Just Matrox standard operating procedure.

              But you know were you will find out about it first!

              Mark F.

              OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
              and burped out a movie

              Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
              OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
              and burped out a movie


              • #8
                Well, I have bookmarked "latest drivers" section on Matrox site and check it regularly...

                BTW, it's not just Matrox policy. Most big companies will hide the timetables and details unless they are absolutely sure. (Basically, nobody is sure since there are too many variables involved in timetables...I've seen it myself when working on a hi-tech gadget project ) This makes small delays "acceptable" and nobody can say that the products actually were late. "You see, we never promised..."

                I'm also waiting to see if Creative will release w2k drivers for SB live! in time. They _have_ announced the release date to be mid-March, should be about four-point speakers are waiting for eax support...

