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Specs: G400 vs. G450?

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  • #16
    Don't know what to say... the only thing the G400 needs now is more speed, so a G450 with a little more speed on the core and some DDR memory (32 or 64) could be nice but they have to move quick or everybody will wait for the G800. To be honest, the darn thing should've been out by now (the g450).

    Of course, when the Voodoo 5 tempts with its FSAA and motion blur (but repels with its high price) and if those Bitboys ever make it to the market with the Glaze3D before ATI begins to play its "Charisma" or the NV15/NV20 shows up, then the need for the G800 will arise.

    On Bitboys I'm loosing faith of ever releasing a product. ATI, although has its new chip in silicon and mentions something about releasing it in Q2, I think they'll do it in Q1 next year or late Q4 this year.

    The one thing that will be out before the G800 will be the Voodoo 5, the NV15\NV20 (in my opinion) will come out at about the same time as the G800.
    If Matrox applies the same strategy as with the G400, then the G800 not only will have to outperform both 3Dfx and Nvidia cards in speed but will have to incorporate some new features that will make the user keep it and not swapp it for a newer product, like the G400 does with EMBP, Dual Head and that Vibrant Color Quality2 (VCQ2) Technology that keeps many people from swapping it for a GeForce. All this assuming that Matrox still aims at the gaming sector.

    [This message has been edited by andrei (edited 15 March 2000).]


    • #17
      I totally agree with andrei.
      I moved from a vanilla G400 to a G400Max (the vanilla went into my other PC) at the time I changed my monitor, just because of sheer speed (my vanilla didn't allow for much overclocking delight), and I would likely buy a G450 when it comes out, especially with 64Mo.

      The ONLY thing that would make me leave Matrox would be another company offering a card with all the features of the G400, especially DualHead, the same image quality, the same rock-stable drivers, and better speed.

      DualHead is the most powerful feature I've seen in a graphic card... Before you try it you can't believe it, and after that you can't leave it... I just wish they could solve 2 (very small) problems : halved memory in DH, and reboot needed.

      Corwin the Brute

      Corwin the Brute


      • #18
        I would add one more slight problem with dual head - No openGL support.

        I found that if I started Q3 (or other GL programs) when I had DH enabled, then it wouldnt work, and rebooting was needed. Then turning off DH caused all my desktop icons to move around.

        I think andrei has it about right with the G450 though. Just a faster G400 would be good for a while. Look at how many G400 Vanilla owners upgraded to a MAX for a little more speed.

        [This message has been edited by Ali (edited 16 March 2000).]


        • #19
          On Bitboys I'm loosing faith of ever releasing a product. ATI, although has its new chip in silicon and mentions something about releasing it in Q2, I think they'll do it in Q1 next year or late Q4 this year.

          Funny you mention both in one paragraph, I think there might be some connection. ATI is even useing their demo.

          Mark F.

          OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
          and burped out a movie

          [This message has been edited by Mark F (edited 16 March 2000).]
          Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
          OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
          and burped out a movie

