Ok I had posted my problem with having to use a 4 meg apeture in Windows 2000 to get to the desktop and how it was limiting me to only AGP 1x. Well today was a good day, I called FIC tech support and left a message, lo and behold they called me back 5 mins later and twice after that
They said that they were not familiar with my problme but that was because they have never tested the G400 and the PA-2013 rev 2.0 using windows 2000. They have however tested the combonation using the PA-2013 rev 2.1 board and have had no problems at all. He suggested that I switch to the rev 2.1 board since it is Windows 2000 certified. He also said that if anyone else is having the same problem im haveing with the rev 2.0 board and windows 2000 and the g400 to call them and if enough call they will test it and create a fix. Here comes the good part. he then offered to switch out my rev 2.0 board for a rev 2.1 at no charge which I am going to do
Ps. He also said he will contact VIA and see if they know anything about problems with their win2k AGP driver
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