I want my next system to be an overclocked BX with a 600MHz Coppermine @ 800MHz. However, this causes the AGP bus to run at 89MHz. (Full-of-bull) Tom said in his AGP overclocking article the G400 failed to run. Others here say Tom is, as often, full of it.
However, I read comments of other people who didn't get it to work properly. What is the truth, and which version of the G400 runs most reliably @ 89MHz AGP? My guess would be not the MAX since that one is already overclocked. But hey, I don't know, I didn't try it. Also is it possible to clock the G400 down with some tweaking utility so the net speed would be 66MHz and do these utilities run under Win2K as well?
One tip: Chaintech is about to release a new motherboard, the 6BJM, which has been specifically designed for 133MHz FSB overclocking, check it out at www.chaintech.com.tw
When I have it I'll tell you if that's the one you should get.
[This message has been edited by MatroxRules! (edited 22 March 2000).]
However, I read comments of other people who didn't get it to work properly. What is the truth, and which version of the G400 runs most reliably @ 89MHz AGP? My guess would be not the MAX since that one is already overclocked. But hey, I don't know, I didn't try it. Also is it possible to clock the G400 down with some tweaking utility so the net speed would be 66MHz and do these utilities run under Win2K as well?
One tip: Chaintech is about to release a new motherboard, the 6BJM, which has been specifically designed for 133MHz FSB overclocking, check it out at www.chaintech.com.tw
When I have it I'll tell you if that's the one you should get.
[This message has been edited by MatroxRules! (edited 22 March 2000).]