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Can G400 handle 133MHz bus speed? (tomshardware)

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  • #16
    Yep, Tom is full of shit. My matrox cards have never refused working at 133mhz (2/3)) FSB so far!!!
    I had few systems with matrox on board and currently I'm using asus p3b-f with p3 600 at 800 and of course with matrox g400 single head 16mb with out any problems
    Asus p3b-f p3 600E 512mb ram pc100 G400 sh 16mb sb live x-gamer ibm hd 20gb 7200rpm ide 3com 56.6 modem 3com 905b nic asus 50x plextor 4832 cdrw ide viewsonic gt775 hp dj720 hp sj 4100c Win 2000 pro


    • #17
      Yep, Tom is full of shit. My matrox cards have never refused working at 133mhz (2/3)) FSB so far!!!
      I had few systems with matrox on board and currently I'm using asus p3b-f with p3 600 at 800 and of course with matrox g400 single head 16mb with out any problems
      Asus p3b-f p3 600E 512mb ram pc100 G400 sh 16mb sb live x-gamer ibm hd 20gb 7200rpm ide 3com 56.6 modem 3com 905b nic asus 50x plextor 4832 cdrw ide viewsonic gt775 hp dj720 hp sj 4100c Win 2000 pro


      • #18

        <font color="#000098" face="Verdana">First of all I would like to welcome you
        back to the Murc , Silvino. </font></p>

        <font color="#000099" face="Verdana">A few points...</font></p>

        <font color="#990033" face="Verdana">&quot;I've seen better success on other
        motherboards (which is yet another factor I wish I had time to cover) but not
        on the P3B-F test bed I used .I've had people confirm issues and success stories
        but it was absolutely not a matter of everyone having no problems while I was
        the only one failing. &quot;

        <font color="#000098">I have been around on the Murc for the entire life
        span of the Asus P3B-F and have never seen this to be true of the P3B-F and
        a G400. We would have seen this problem posted on these forums, this is a very
        popular mobo. I own one and have never had a problem. The board is very stable
        when overclocked. Why you had a problem is a mystery.

        As far as &quot;</font><font color="#990033" face="Verdana">I've had people
        confirm issues and success stories but it was <u>absolutely not a matter of
        everyone having no problems </u>while I was the only one failing.
        <font color="#000098" face="Verdana">This is a very sophomoric statement, everyone
        knows that there are users that <u>ALWAYS</u> have problems with everything
        related to a PC.</font> </p>

        <font color="#980030" face="Verdana">&quot;I still stand by my testing
        that the G400 isn't a 100% success rate or one of the best for that matter.&quot;
        <font color="#980030" face="Verdana"><font color="#000098">

        I agree that 100% is too high and with that statement you would be Guaranteeing
        it, but as far as the Matrox product not being one of the best...This is false.And
        this is not an opinion of a consumer that has to defend his Graphic card purchases
        on the Internet on a daily basis. My opinion is derived from the thousands of
        posts on the MURC. in regards to the highly success rate of the G200 and G400

        If you spend time on these boards you would see as I have, that the Matrox cards
        are successfully O/C on various Mobo's and O/S and are stable. Very Stable.
        And very stable on a P3b-F.

        Also the majority of benchmarks on &quot;other&quot; hardware sites, have shown
        this to be the case also. ( I have a life, so I can't spend the time searching
        and posting these statements, but they <u>have been</u> written) My own experience
        tells me that this statement is false. </font></font></p>

        <font color="#980030" face="Verdana"> My lab is run the right way and not
        ghetto style like other popular "lets market this product so everyone likes
        us" sites might do to get inaccurate information up quicker&quot;

        </font><font color="#000098" face="Verdana">Why do you have to get down
        on the competition like that in your post? Are you tired? You realize that that
        statement coming from a Tom Hardware reviewer is wide open to criticism . <font color="#980030">&quot;Sorry
        if this appears to ramble but I had very little time to devote to this post
        and I have to get back to the grind here at the lab.&quot;</font>

        The Murcers are very educated and aware of inaccurate information. We know the
        product very well. I do not think that the members here are interested in boosting
        sales of Matrox products, but instead are fans of Matrox and together as a community
        we demand the truth concerning &quot;our hobby&quot;, if you will. Your benches
        of the G400 in the past and in this article include inconsistent information
        of the performance of the G400. Why I have no idea.

        Check the sig.</font></p>

        PIII-450@600, 128 HDSRAM, Asus P3BF, G400/32, SBLive!,Brand stinkin' new Sony G400 19", (no Dual head) Nokia 447Xi 17",AOPEN DVD-1040 10x slot,PLEXTOR 8x4x32 ATAPI CD-RW,PromiseULtra66, and some fish,


        • #19
          He carefully didnt say that he used 2/3 on the usb bus..he carefully didnt say he used pc133 ram and what he did say I dont believe because its so far from my experiance both personal and here on the board..and also he sounds like a pompous twit..
          ps check the sig

          Abit BF6, P3 600E AT 882,vantec 5030 cooler,256 megs Micron 7.5ns pc133 ram, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....

          Abit BF6, P3 secc 700E AT 1001,alpha cooler,256 megs Micron 7.5ns pc133 ram, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....


          • #20
            With that last response from Plmr, I no longer feel that responding here is valid as it will just draw continual flames. Some folks like Plmr get upset because I don't respond to their every email when they don't realize I get tons of mail per day and don't have the time to get to everyone. Thanks for the responses that were with valid input. As for Plumr, your reply only shows how little you must feel to have to take it to plain insults. I will see about clarifying a few things on the next update. I recently picked up two G400's and still no go on 2 other P3B-F's so something is goofy. I'll continue to check things out when I have free time but something going on is very odd here. Maybe something I'm using doesn't like working in conjunection with the G400. Anyhow, until next time.



            • #21
              God Silvino, can't handle a little name-calling? Besides, sometimes you DO sound a little pompous (not that I don't, heh).

              Have you stopped for a minute to consider that maybe it IS something about your test rig? You go on and on about how you're SURE it's not your memory, but maybe it is... I had memory sticks that were supposed to be the best that there was, but my generic PC133 gives me substantially better luck with overclocking!

              Have you considered that your CPU might be the issue? Or a setting you neglect to set properly? I'm simply saying that when I can point at 100 people that can make it work, and you can't - repeatedly - maybe there is something YOU are doing wrong, eh?

              - Gurm

              Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
              The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

              I'm the least you could do
              If only life were as easy as you
              I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
              If only life were as easy as you
              I would still get screwed


              • #22
                I'd like to help you get the g400's running @ higher fsb's! could you give us info on your settings, i.e. what irq is the g400 on, bios settings like aperture, power supply output @ 12v+, etc.
                I've also had several g-based vid cards with different mobo's running @ 124mhz-140mhz with 2x enabled, look foward to hearing from you!

                Abit BE6 with P3 500 @ 5*124=620
                14.6 gb Maxtor ata66 and 128mb ram
                G400 vanilla 32mb @ 168/210
                Sblive with Altec Lansing speaker combo
                384k DSL and Realtek nic
                Windows 98se with DX7a
                3dMark2000 = 2956
                Worn out reset button :O)

                PIII-500mhz @ 620 ! with an Abit BE6 mobo
                128mb pc-100 cas 2
                Mill G400 (vanilla!!!) 32mb @ 167/208 with MGATweak-417mhz, (2.5, 2, 2.5), PD 5.5010 & bios 1.5-22
                Maxtor 14.3 gb Uata66 hdd
                SB Live!
                Winblows 98se & DX7
                and 384k DSL!


                • #23
                  Hey LAMFDTK,

                  good one. It`s no wonder that Silvino stops posting. But in my opinion it`s NOT because of Plmr`s posting but of your factual and unemotional criticism. This is the hardest form to face.

                  DuRaNgO - good idea! Let`s help him to get his testing rig where nearly everybody else is going with his G400`s. Maybe he needs a little assistance. :-)) Then we will see if he is in fact as unprejudiced as he states he is ...

                  <font size="1">
                  Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
                  ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
                  Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
                  2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
                  256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
                  Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
                  ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
                  Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
                  Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
                  Plustek Optic Pro U12B
                  HP Deskjet 959C
                  Plantronics LS1 Headset
                  all on W2k Professional SP2


                  • #24
                    Two P3Bf's and G400s' here and never a problem at up to 150fsb (100AGP) with no special settings. Just change the CPU settings in the BIOS and up and away-for six months now.
                    Every other hardware site has confirmed that the G400 and G200 are the most tolerant cards around, hell even AOpen rates the G200 up to 103AGP!!!
                    Tom, or Silvino whatever, you're either incompetent or biased. You owe it to us to post a retraction. Until then, I will be taking everything you say with a pinch of salt. This really pisses me off.


                    • #25
                      Wool Dang I Din Meen To Hurchur Feelins..I take it all back ..every hatefull word.. both of them.....Its just that that was a really long letter that contained none of the important info we would need to figure out what YOU were doing wrong that WE are ALL doing right..All you seemed to say was that you were way to good at what you do to have made an error of any kind..and that your obviously flawed (to me) results would stand..But I do sincearly apologise for "flaming" you ,,that was uncalled for and gave you the excuse to leave before we could help you fix your problem...


                      Abit BF6, P3 600E AT 882,vantec 5030 cooler,256 megs Micron 7.5ns pc133 ram, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....

                      Abit BF6, P3 secc 700E AT 1001,alpha cooler,256 megs Micron 7.5ns pc133 ram, G400 32meg Dh ,Promise fasttrack striping 2 Quantum ka 18gig's + 2 10gig IBM's ,Sb-live platinum ,Cambridge Fps2000 speakers ,Onstream 30gig tape ,Sony cdrw ,toshiba dvd, Lotsa fans,cables ,noise....


                      • #26
                        Yes MK,
                        I did sum it up beautifully, didn't I? I am a fine writer. This is because when I was young, I was attacked by a Cape Buffalo while on Safari with Ernest Hemingway. He was out shooting squirrels for the pot, and there were no weapons in camp. I looked around for a Rock to throw at the beast, but they were all gone. In a last desperated attempt to survive, I picked up Hemingway's typewriter and threw it at the charging animal. He got his feet stuck between the asterisk and the ampersand and stumbled into Rommel's old staff car, which Hemingway used when dating to impress British girls, and broke his bloody neck.

                        I have been a wordsmith ever since.


                        • #27
                          Watch out people, or this will get relocated to the Soap Box. All it needs is a diatribe on CHEESE to be complete...

                          - Gurm

                          Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                          I'm the least you could do
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I would still get screwed


                          • #28
                            Wow, I must say I'm somewhat suprised at the type of responses I'm seeing from the MURC community on this post. In particular the posts to Silvino... I would like to commend DuRaNgO for his post on this subject! You will go a lot further with a carrot than with a stick.

                            Primary system, Asus P3B-F1, PIII 600B, 128Mb PC133 RAM, 18.2Gb KA drive, HP CDRW & Travan drive, SB64PCI, Intel EPro+ PnP NIC, G400 and a ViewSonic 17" monitor.

                            Secondary system, ASUS P3B-F1, C366 OC'd to 550, 128Mb PC100 RAM, 10.2Gb DMPlus, 5x CL DVD Kit, ZIP Drive, AWE64, Intel EPro+ PnP NIC, CL TNT(1) and a Sceptre 17" monitor.
                            Nothing sadder than seeing a beautiful theory getting slammed by an ugly fact!


                            • #29
                              <font size="1">
                              Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
                              ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
                              Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
                              2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
                              256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
                              Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
                              ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
                              Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
                              Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
                              Plustek Optic Pro U12B
                              HP Deskjet 959C
                              Plantronics LS1 Headset
                              all on W2k Professional SP2


                              • #30
                                Can we get hold of the G400 cards and test them on a machine that is ok with 133fsb and a G400? If the cards are ok, then work to find the solution for Silvino. He can then have the article at Tom's updated. If they fail follow up with info. as to where and when they were manufactured and see if other users have issues too. Find out if they are the "knock off g400" that wre reported in the early lifecycle of the card.
                                I have 2 P3B-F boards and both ran the G400max at 150fsb with a PIII500 FC. My TNT2 ultra (Diamond) gives problems at 133 so I moved it to a P3V4X, but Geforce sdr is perfectly fine at 133 on the P3B-F.

