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Can G400 handle 133MHz bus speed? (tomshardware)

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  • #31
    Come on ...Can anyone here agree with this guy? Have you read his other work? This guy suffers like the (American Basher) Tom Pabst.
    He comes to the MURC and tries to defend his findings that we all know is a bunch of crap.
    He is a bit player and not worth the effort to educate. The Nvidia product will always rule. **<cough>**

    PIII-450@600, 128 HDSRAM, Asus P3BF, G400/32, SBLive!,Brand stinkin' new Sony G400 19", (no Dual head) Nokia 447Xi 17",AOPEN DVD-1040 10x slot,PLEXTOR 8x4x32 ATAPI CD-RW,PromiseULtra66, and some fish,


    • #32

      sad, but true. In Germany we would say he is a "Schmierfink" (maybe somebody translates this :-)), but definately not an objective online-journalist.


      [This message has been edited by MK (edited 01 April 2000).]
      <font size="1">
      Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
      ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
      Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
      2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
      256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
      Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
      ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
      Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
      Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
      Plustek Optic Pro U12B
      HP Deskjet 959C
      Plantronics LS1 Headset
      all on W2k Professional SP2


      • #33
        QDI Advance 9 (VIA Apollo 133)
        CuMine 550
        o/c @ 825 (150 bus x 5.5)
        1x64MB PC133 1x64MB PC100
        Vanilla G400 32MB DH

        The verdict: NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.

        QDI BrillianX 1S/2000
        CuMine 550
        o/c @ 733 (133 bus x 5.5)
        1x64MB PC133 1x64MB PC100
        Vanilla G400 32MB DH

        The verdict: NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.

        Currently powered by:
        P3 600EB@700, Matrox G400 32MB DH, QDI Advance 9, 128MB PC133 Goldstar


        • #34
          QDI Advance 9 (VIA Apollo 133)
          CuMine 550
          o/c @ 825 (150 bus x 5.5)
          1x64MB PC133 1x64MB PC100
          Vanilla G400 32MB DH

          The verdict: NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.

          QDI BrillianX 1S/2000
          CuMine 550
          o/c @ 733 (133 bus x 5.5)
          1x64MB PC133 1x64MB PC100
          Vanilla G400 32MB DH

          The verdict: NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.

          Currently powered by:
          P3 600EB@700, Matrox G400 32MB DH, QDI Advance 9, 128MB PC133 Goldstar


          • #35
            In my case, it is all true. I have a 7KXA with a G400 MAX and it will not overclock over 100Mhz FBS. It took me a week or so to get it to work at AGP4X. The good news is that locks or reboots when loading windows not before. Seem like a problem with the G400 drivers not the hardware.


            • #36

              If I could get slip in here for a minute I'd really appreciate any advice any of you could give me on overclocking.

              My current specs are

              P3 500 Katmai
              ASUS P3B-F
              2x128 DIMM PC100 RAM
              2940U2W SCSI controller
              Quantum Atlas IV 9.1GB 7200rpm SCSI
              Pioneer 6x DVD SCSI
              SBLive! Full
              Real Magic DVD Decoder
              Linksys 10/100 Etherfast NIC

              I've got an average case and all my fans and sinks are retail but I have a 12 CFM blower fan in the PCI slot 1mm under my AGP. Can anyone give me any advice for overclocking? I'm sort of new to it. I have my board at 110 right now (CPU 550MHz) and I haven't noticed any instability. My RAM is only rated at 100MHz so I don't really think it's a great idea to push it any further. One question I have is - can I overclock my G400Max independantly for the rest of the board?

              I'm going to be upgrading to this in the near future; this system is just asking to be run at 133MHz. I've read all of your posts (hope you don't mind) concerning the 2/3 AGP multiplier and the question of stability, I do however like to keep a margin of "safety" by holding back a little on the o/c, which returns me to my question - can the AGP be clocked independantly.

              >P3 600E CuMine 100MHz
              ASUS P3B-F
              >1x256 DIMM PC133 RAM
              2940U2W SCSI controller
              >Quantum 10K 18.2GB SCSI
              +Yamaha CRW8424 CD-RW SCSI
              Pioneer 6x DVD SCSI
              SBLive! Full
              Real Magic DVD Decoder
              Linksys 10/100 Etherfast NIC

              Hopefully, I'll be getting an Alpha CPU and a Lasagna AGP cooler soon. I guess a new case and PCI fans wouldn't hurt either.

              Thanks, in advance, for your feed back.



              • #37
                I wouldn't toss the PC100 before you try it at the higher mhz first. Depending on its quality, it may do fine there, especially at 3-3-3. With your current setup, you are probably near the max. I think 620 is about as fast as those CPUs will go, and that with good cooling. Have you tried going faster?

                If you do get new RAM, make sure a single 256MB module will work OK on your board. If it's like the Soyo +IV, you may need a registered DIMM to go that large. That can be expensive.

                Similarly, I wouldn't throw money at cooling before you find you have a problem. One thing to check is whether your board will allow 3.5v on the 3.3v circuit. The Soyo +IV does this by default. This helps stability quite a bit when running the AGP faster.

                As for your question on the AGP, it cannot be changed independent of the front side bus (fsb).

                PIII 500e @667
                Soyo SY6BA+IV
                Iwill Slotket II
                G400 32MB Max
                Nokia 445Xi 21"
                and POS 14"
                Aureal Vortex Superquad
                128MB PC133
                IBM DPTA 20.5GB 7200rpm
                Toshiba 8/40 DVD
                PIII 500e @667
                Soyo SY6BA+IV
                Iwill Slotket II
                G400 32MB Max
                Nokia 445Xi 21"
                and POS 14"
                Aureal Vortex Superquad
                256MB PC133
                IBM DPTA 20.5GB 7200rpm
                Toshiba 8/40 DVD


                • #38
                  Reading all this I decided to try just how much can my G400DH do.
                  Normally my sistem works at 100Mhz FSB(Celeron300A@450) with AGP set to 2/3.
                  At 75, 83 Mhz FSB with AGP set to 1/1 none problems, while at 100Mhz(1/1) Win98 would boot and work just fine in 2D, which is not the casee with 3D apps.
                  After about 1min. or so 3D apps. allways crash my system.
                  I don't see any reson why it should't work at 133Mhz FSB with AGP set to 2/3 (133*2/3=88,6), especially don't see reson not to pass posting.

                  BTW My friends Celeron366 won't go 550 on his ASUS P3B-F, while on my ABIT BX6r2 with no problems.
                  Cooling was pretty much the same, and CPU fan/sink much of ASUS overclocking stability.

                  ABIT BX6v2
                  64MB SDRAM 6ns
                  G400 16MB DH
                  Yamaha DS-XG
                  Hitachi GD2500BX+

                  ABIT BX6v2
                  Alpha PAL6035, 27CFM fan
                  64MB SDRAM 6ns
                  G400 16MB DH
                  Yamaha DS-XG
                  Hitachi GD2500BX+


                  • #39
                    Sorry for multiple posting.
                    I had some problems with slow connection.
                    ABIT BX6v2
                    Alpha PAL6035, 27CFM fan
                    64MB SDRAM 6ns
                    G400 16MB DH
                    Yamaha DS-XG
                    Hitachi GD2500BX+


                    • #40
                      Umm what exactly is the 3-3-3 No's all about?

                      Whenever I tried to up the FSB from 104, it would reset to 100 whenever the computer was reset (before and after multiplier increase)

                      Would changing the AGP multiplyer to (2/3) help? if so how would I do it?

                      Athlon 500@733 (7*104)
                      Asus K7M
                      128MB pc100
                      Matrox G400 32MB HD Vanilla @ 301.5Mhz + memory tweaks + fan



                      • #41
                        OK.. here's my setup:

                        ABIT BH6 rev.1.60
                        generic PC100, 7ns
                        G400SH 16Mb
                        WDC 8.4Gb
                        yadda, yadda

                        No problems whatsoever...
                        At 133Mhz machine boots fine, but it hangs when it enters Windoze... I think it's more of a processor issue than something being wrong with the G400.
                        And fellow murcers, don't crap all over Silvino for not giving Matrox credit... guess it's one of those cases when two components simply won't work together, yet in any other combination they deliver just fine...
                        BOINC stats


                        • #42
                          No problem with 133 MHz FSB ...

                          Even at 140 MHz FSB...

                          150 MHz FSB... Can Boot Win98, but not stable...

                          The CPU is Retail one (SL3V5)...

                          However, My RAM is not good enough...
                          If the FSB >= 133 MHz, I have to use 3-3-3...

                          PIII-550E@733/1.6v, P3B-F, G400DH/32MB@140/186

                          P4-2.8C, IC7-G, G550


                          • #43
                            G400MAX@110%, FSB@133, AGP@2/3 and of course it works!

                            Abit BH6, P3-600E@800(6x133), 128mb MCT 8ns, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, WDC 4.3, WDC 6.4, IBM GXP34 20.5, Mitsumi FX40, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 100IH, 3Com 905B-TX On W98SE, DX 7.0a, PD 5.52

                            Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


                            • #44
                              G400MAX@110%, FSB@133, AGP@2/3 and of course it works!

                              Abit BH6, P3-600E@800(6x133), 128mb MCT 8ns, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, WDC 4.3, WDC 6.4, IBM GXP34 20.5, Mitsumi FX40, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 100IH, 3Com 905B-TX On W98SE, DX 7.0a, PD 5.52

                              Abit BE6-2 (Rev 2.), P3-1000E@1050(10x105/3), 768mb Kingston 7.5ns CAS3, G400MAX, SBLIVE, AHA 2940AU, IBM GXP75 60Gb (*2), IBM IBM GXP75 45Gb, Mitsumi FX48, Yamaha 4416S, Zyxel Prestige 200, 3Com 905C-TX On W98SE Lite, DX 8.1, PD 6.82


                              • #45
                                A couple of things for Silvino, if he is still checking this thread:

                                You were using a beta version of bios 1005, which I would discourage. Either try 1004, or the final 1005. There is reason to suspect that the ACPI support might not have worked correctly in the betas. Second, I had to reinstall win98 after flashing to 1005, though that doesn't necessarily relate to your problem.

                                The fact that you aren't posting (upon boot, not to this forum ) is reason to suspect the mobo bios. Or, perhaps the vga bios. The latest vid bios is available here:

                                Home System:
                                G400 DH 32MB, PD 5.52, bios 1.5-22, TGL 1.0
                                RR-G, VidTools 1.52
                                Win98SE, DX 4.07.00
                                PIII 550E @733, Asus P3B-F 1.03, Bios 1005
                                128MB Crucial PC133, CTX VL710, SBLive Value, liveware 3.0
                                Promise Fasttrak66 Conversion, bios 1.08, Driver 1.14
                                2xWD136BA 7200,2MB

                                Work System:
                                Dual PPro 200 w/256k cache, Intel Providence PR440FX w/onboard UW SCSI, bios # 1.00.08
                                128MB 60ns buffered asyncronous ECC DRAM
                                9.1GB IBM Ultrastar 18ES UW SCSI
                                ATI Xpert 98 PCI+Hitachi SuperScan Elite 17
                                #9 Imagine128 SII+cheap15"

                                System: P4 2.4, 512k 533FSB, Giga-Byte GA-8PE667 Ultra, 1024MB Corsair XMS PC333, Maxtor D740x 60GB, Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, PCPower&Cooling Silencer 400.

                                Capture Drives (for now): IBM 36LZX 9.1, Quantum Atlas 10KII 9.1 on Adaptec 29160

