Is there any other way for setting AGP Modus to 1x then with Powerstrip, With that the PC just hangs, when I try to set it to 1x AGP.
I want to try this because I got random lockups in 3D (NFS Porsche, 3DMark 2K) with my system at 133MHz FSB. Everything in 2D Modus is working w/o a problem.
My specs:
P3B-F P3-600 @ 800MHz, G400Max @ 89MHz 2xAGP
I want to try this because I got random lockups in 3D (NFS Porsche, 3DMark 2K) with my system at 133MHz FSB. Everything in 2D Modus is working w/o a problem.
My specs:
P3B-F P3-600 @ 800MHz, G400Max @ 89MHz 2xAGP