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win2k 5.04 driver - TV-out problem

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  • win2k 5.04 driver - TV-out problem

    i am so surprised that there's virtually nobody talked about the problem where there's a frame of upside down picture every 100 frames or so which creates a blinking effect on TV-out. is there anyone besides a couple of us that has this problem? if so, has anyone came out with a solution with it?

    i know i have the g400max and it's not certified for the driver, but there are some that has the same problem with the regular g400. but it seems that there's nobody and wanna address the problem.. anyone out there that has any solution for the problem?

    thanx for listening..

    bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

    bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

  • #2
    Have you ever considered that the reason no one is talking about it, is because they aren't experiencing it?



    • #3
      rags: actually, i read a couple of posts here and at the matrox forum where someone would bring the subject up, then nobody would reply it back.. there was a post here a couple days after the new drivers were out and this person brought the subject up and there were 0 replies.

      there's also this one thread where the guy has the completely opposite problem where his tv-out would be upside down and a rightside up picture would show up every once in a while. don't know what the problem is. maybe it's a bug in the driver? don't know. i hesitate to return to 5.03(which i did tried and it did solved the problem) because it's so much more stable on my smp system. well.. i hope someone has a solution for this without going back to 5.03.

      bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

      bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...


      • #4

        I was just responding to "i am so surprised that there's virtually nobody talked about the problem where there's a frame of upside down picture every 100 frames or so which creates a blinking effect on TV-out. is there anyone besides a couple of us that has this problem? "

        If there aren't a whole lot of people who use these drivers, or win2k, or use TVO, then you won't get a broad response, that's all.

        There is an option, Matrox is currently working on SMP problems in general, and are making progress, so you can use the 5.04 drivers on your system (the 5.04 drivers were not intended for SMP fixes, BTW) until the SMP capable drivers are released.



        • #5
          ok, thanx for the reply, rag
          bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...


          • #6
            I have the same problem... well almost... for me the movie plays upside down and once every second or so it changes back for 1 frame....

            The only drivers who worked perfect is 5.00.007/13 other drivers sttttutter...


            • #7
              Alex`s, moderator on the offical Matrox Support message board, solution to this problem is just to activate keep aspect ratio in dvdmax...


              this message was posted by Digital_Hell_Native

              "Better to have people think you're a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
              Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) (1835-1910), American Writer


              • #8
                thanx for the info!!! i'll try it tonight when i get off work

                bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

                bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...


                • #9
                  I have this same problem, and I was also surprised that no one seemed interested in talking about it !

                  Well, finaly we have had some responses.

                  Concerning the "Keep Aspect Ratio"...
                  First thing I did when I encountered this error, was try every different setting under the sun, for DVDmax, and no go, keep aspect ratio did not fix the problem for me, and even worst, I already have keep aspect ratio on from 5.03, when upgraded to 5.04 I noticed the problem right away.

                  Only way I can play a dVD without the flipping, is to play use CLONE and not dvdmax.

                  BTW, there is one issue I have with clone, wondering if other ppl have it, when using CLONE, I have to revert to 1024x768 (Im ususally in 1280x1024), and once I choose the CLONE option in DH, my desktop is streched and narrowed in (top to bottom) like a WIDESCREEN movie.

                  I dont think this is normal, just wondering if anyone has seen this and fixed it somehow.

                  bp6-(2)366@533 celerons, g400 DH 32mb Vanilla, Quantum plus KA 9.1g, sb-live value, Optiquest V95 19", Toshiba DVD 6x, HP i8100 cd-r, etc ...

                  bp6-(2)366@533 celerons, g400 DH 32mb Vanilla, Quantum plus KA 9.1g, sb-live value, Optiquest V95 19", Toshiba DVD 6x, HP i8100 cd-r, etc ...


                  • #10
                    dhn: got home, checked setting, and realized i had the 'keep aspect ratio' set already.

                    thanx for the info anyway

                    bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

                    bp6-(2)433(oc488) celerons, g400max, ibm ultra scsi 9.1g, sb-live value, hitachi ss-753 19", plextor 32x, etc, etc, etc...

