CannyOne: Maybe that "theory" thing was a bit over the top, but I really like the idea of a dual memory bus on future Matrox products and we all should know if this is going to be true on 25th of april.
PS: No need to apologize, I understand your gripes with all the Voodoo 5 hype going on, I was only a bit disappointed that nobody else was able to see what I saw:-)
dneal: You're definitely getting the idea! If true, this will be really some exciting news for Matrox fans (more so than V5 benchs anyway, heh, heh).
Why do you think memory latency will be cut in half? Because of simultanious read/write operations? Please enlight me on that one. If true, thats even better than I thought it was. Now add FC DDR to that, which itself reduces memory latency significantly and Matrox is definitely going to have the most advanced memory subsystem around, combine that with a massive fillrate, advanced T&L, EMBM etc.(G800)...drool.
AJ: I always believed those numbers you're pointing to referred to the number and size of the memory chips for the 16MB and 32MB cards, but I honestly don't know for certain. Maybe anyone can confirm/deny that?
I think that one about lower signal noise is brilliant! I think thats the reason why we're still stuck with 128bit memory bus right now and it makes the idea of a dual memory bus look even better to me (reduced bus noise + increased bandwidth + lower latency!!!). You're definitely right, that the info we have is vague, but since ixbt explicitely confirmed the info about the 64bit memory bus, I'm pretty sure it's going be some sort of dual bus, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense to reduce the buswidth for the G450 and Matrox isn't going to shoot itself.
What really makes me wonder is, why nobody noticed the dual memory bus thing in the "Condor" info, since this is pretty much "old news". Maybe those who knew were under NDA and everybody else was disappointed by the specs, like myself, and therefore nobody read them carefully. It was this thread that made me reading them again, because I thought, - hmm weren't they talking of some sort of dual bus in the info? Then this could make some sense - and tadaa: The info clearly stated "64bit dual memory bus".
"All I can say is that the G450 will be an excellent videocard, but not the favorite of hardcore gamers(taken from Murc News "Straight From The Horse's Mouth" by Aces Hardware)." Wouldn't this statement make perfect sense if my assumptions are true("excellent videocard"=dual memory bus + "not the favorite of hardcore gamers"=sub par fillrate compared to V5/NV15/Rage6)? Well, we'll have to wait 'till next week to be sure, but at least for the G800 this would be exciting news, even for the "hardcore gamers".
My Sytem: P3 450@558, Asus P3B-F(Bios 1005), 128 MB PC-100(2,3,3,4, fast), G400 Max@174/218 (MGA-Tweak:2,5/2/2,5,435) PD 5.52wTGL1.30, 13GB Quantum Fireball CR, Pioneer 40*CD-Rom, SBLive!Value (Liveware 3.0)
PS: No need to apologize, I understand your gripes with all the Voodoo 5 hype going on, I was only a bit disappointed that nobody else was able to see what I saw:-)
dneal: You're definitely getting the idea! If true, this will be really some exciting news for Matrox fans (more so than V5 benchs anyway, heh, heh).
Why do you think memory latency will be cut in half? Because of simultanious read/write operations? Please enlight me on that one. If true, thats even better than I thought it was. Now add FC DDR to that, which itself reduces memory latency significantly and Matrox is definitely going to have the most advanced memory subsystem around, combine that with a massive fillrate, advanced T&L, EMBM etc.(G800)...drool.
AJ: I always believed those numbers you're pointing to referred to the number and size of the memory chips for the 16MB and 32MB cards, but I honestly don't know for certain. Maybe anyone can confirm/deny that?
I think that one about lower signal noise is brilliant! I think thats the reason why we're still stuck with 128bit memory bus right now and it makes the idea of a dual memory bus look even better to me (reduced bus noise + increased bandwidth + lower latency!!!). You're definitely right, that the info we have is vague, but since ixbt explicitely confirmed the info about the 64bit memory bus, I'm pretty sure it's going be some sort of dual bus, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense to reduce the buswidth for the G450 and Matrox isn't going to shoot itself.
What really makes me wonder is, why nobody noticed the dual memory bus thing in the "Condor" info, since this is pretty much "old news". Maybe those who knew were under NDA and everybody else was disappointed by the specs, like myself, and therefore nobody read them carefully. It was this thread that made me reading them again, because I thought, - hmm weren't they talking of some sort of dual bus in the info? Then this could make some sense - and tadaa: The info clearly stated "64bit dual memory bus".
"All I can say is that the G450 will be an excellent videocard, but not the favorite of hardcore gamers(taken from Murc News "Straight From The Horse's Mouth" by Aces Hardware)." Wouldn't this statement make perfect sense if my assumptions are true("excellent videocard"=dual memory bus + "not the favorite of hardcore gamers"=sub par fillrate compared to V5/NV15/Rage6)? Well, we'll have to wait 'till next week to be sure, but at least for the G800 this would be exciting news, even for the "hardcore gamers".
My Sytem: P3 450@558, Asus P3B-F(Bios 1005), 128 MB PC-100(2,3,3,4, fast), G400 Max@174/218 (MGA-Tweak:2,5/2/2,5,435) PD 5.52wTGL1.30, 13GB Quantum Fireball CR, Pioneer 40*CD-Rom, SBLive!Value (Liveware 3.0)