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Where have all the flowers gone?

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  • #16
    Only us old timers would know...LOL

    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


    • #17
      Not old enough I guess
      Although the name in ICQ does ring a bell, just can't pinpoint it.


      • #18
        Not a shape shifter, but still a Founder, I'd say.
        P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


        • #19
          <FONT SIZE=4>... ROTFLMAO<SUP>tm</SUP> ...
          <FONT SIZE=1><SUP>tm</SUP> courtesy of ALBPM aka Darth Mahl [MU]<FONT SIZE=2>
          "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


          • #20
            Jorden, Can't be the name in ICQ. After years I finally changed the name about a month ago.

            Paul, I think Kermit looks better within the realm of UT then HL.

            MK, Dunnon what to tell you brother.

            System Specs:
            One bourbon, one scotch and one beer

            System Specs: One Bourbon, One Scotch and one Beer!!!

            <center><a href="" target="new">
            <font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><img src="" border=0></font></a><font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><br>
            Bad-ass jerk
            <br><a href="" target="new">Find out what anime villan you are.</a></font><a href="" target="new"></a></center>

            <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" COLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FF0000" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=280><TR><TD><A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=280 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></A></P></TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER><P><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FF0000">Which Firearm are you?</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FFFFFF">brought to you by</FONT><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FF0000"><I>Stan Ryker</I></FONT></A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>


            • #21
              Me thinks that all murcers should be stripped of their title if they don't know who TB is!!!



              • #22
                Glad neither nick is a MURCer


                • #23
                  This would have to be a Brit wouldn't it? I mean, who else would suggest mixing Scotch and Bourbon, and then chase both with a beer?

                  That this thread remains open and on top says a lot about the "new and improved" MURC forums, don't you think? (And no - I do not have an <ahem> AXE <ahem> to grind.)


                  • #24
                    Well...another old timer crawls out from under her rock. Hey Swampy

                    Jorden- If you haven't figured it out yet, you haven't been around long enough

                    Ashley- The burbon/scotch/beer reference is hardly a brit thing. It refers to an American party song by George Thurghogood (sp?) and the Delaware Destroyers. So my hint for today is: No. He aint a brit.
                    And while I'd normally shuffle this type of thread to the soapbox forum, I just left it here to welcome back an old pal...

                    I wonder where Joel and Ant are...they'd know who this T'kul charactor is
                    Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                    • #25
                      T'kul, get rid of that and after scotch, ol´ Huddy L. is rotating in his grave.
                      Come to think of it, you´d better start with the scotch, as I recall Huddy did. It´ll numb your papills, making it easier to swallow the bourbon (after wich the beer comes as a relief).


                      • #26
                        rubank: I have no clue at all who Huddy L is.

                        Ashley: As Kruz says I ain't a Brit. I added the sig to help remind the old timers as to whom I iz. It was the sig I used to use back in the stone ages.

                        Kruz: Been kinda wondering where ol Joel is meself. Who gives a flip where Ant is (j/k). hehe

                        However as most of the peps seem to be new, what does it matter? Even if they fingered out my old name they would not know me.

                        Hmmmmmmmmm the only hint I can think of is I used to be a member of [MU]. One of the originals at that.

                        System Specs:
                        One bourbon, one scotch and one beer

                        System Specs: One Bourbon, One Scotch and one Beer!!!

                        <center><a href="" target="new">
                        <font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><img src="" border=0></font></a><font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><br>
                        Bad-ass jerk
                        <br><a href="" target="new">Find out what anime villan you are.</a></font><a href="" target="new"></a></center>

                        <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" COLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FF0000" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=280><TR><TD><A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=280 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></A></P></TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER><P><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FF0000">Which Firearm are you?</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FFFFFF">brought to you by</FONT><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FF0000"><I>Stan Ryker</I></FONT></A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>


                        • #27
                          Lookie what I found

                          The whole site is still there, including the old forums, and all of our ancient posts

                          ...ahhh the old days...
                          Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                          • #28
                            Kruzin, that kinda gives the game away. I'm too new to remember them but that clue was enough to figure it out.

                            Greetings anyway!

                            [This message has been edited by Taz (edited 22 April 2000).]
                            When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


                            • #29
                              Gee wiz Kruz. You mighta just told em I am Flangor. hehe

                              Oh well, you started the guessing contest, so I guess you can end it.
                              System Specs: One Bourbon, One Scotch and one Beer!!!

                              <center><a href="" target="new">
                              <font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><img src="" border=0></font></a><font face="verdana" color="666666" size="0"><br>
                              Bad-ass jerk
                              <br><a href="" target="new">Find out what anime villan you are.</a></font><a href="" target="new"></a></center>

                              <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="#000000" COLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FF0000" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=280><TR><TD><A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=280 HEIGHT=200 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></A></P></TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER><P><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FF0000">Which Firearm are you?</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FFFFFF">brought to you by</FONT><A HREF="" target="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" COLOR="#FF0000"><I>Stan Ryker</I></FONT></A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>


                              • #30
                                Well, I would've never guessed, but then again, we haven't spoken that much in and on threads

                                Now, where is The Fly?


