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Why all new drivers "suck" since the 5.25 (for G200)

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  • Why all new drivers "suck" since the 5.25 (for G200)

    Hi! My problem is simple... I did'nt saw a Matrox driver running good since the 5.25 one's...
    There is the story...

    - 5.25: The driver & PowerDesk was stable, but OpenGL was still slow (using the good old D3DWrapper was better :-)

    - 5.30: The Powerdesk was good but the driver was totally ****-up when using a Direct3D or an OpenGL app/game (got Blue Screen fatal error 0E... :-(

    - 5.41: The driver was good and faster in Direct3D/OpenGL but the PowerDesk consume 20% of the CPU ALL the time (until it was shutdown). To resolve the problem, you must use pdesk.exe & pdesk.dll from the 5.30 (At least, these portion of the 5.30 was working good...)

    - 5.52: Both the problems of the 5.30 and the 5.41 (Powerdesk CPU consuming & BSOD on Direct3D/OpenGL)

    - 5.55: And finnaly the brand new driver. The Powerdesk CPU eating (miam, miam...) problem is gone! But the second I try an Direct3D/OpenGL app, blue screen again saying fatal error 0E at the adresse bla bla bla... (I think this is the Matrox street adress ;-).

    So, at this point, I've try the following:
    - Re-installing the VIA AGP driver with the standard option (not the Turbo)
    - Forcing AGP 1X with the registry hacking

    None of the above I need HELP!!!!!!!!

    The 5.55 was installed after an unistall (with the uninstaller) of the old driver. Videotools 1.54f was also installed. Oh, and yes, ACPI was disabled and AGP Aperture size set to 128MB(max value) in the BIOS.

    Anyone who can help reply or e-mail me please! Thanks

    Laurent Martin

    System Configuration:

    - AMD K6-III 450MHz CPU (not o/c)
    - AOpen AX59Pro SS7 m/b w/lastest BIOS (VIA MVP3 chipset)
    - 192MB RAM PC100 (3x64)
    - Matrox Marvel G200-TV (lastest BIOS) w/16MB & hardware DVD decoder (still don't know why I bought the DVD decoder crap)
    - SBLive! value with digital out
    - Quantum Fireball KX 13.6 Gb (PM)
    - Matschita DVD-ROM SR-8583 (PS) ("s h i t" will place **** instead)
    - Samsung 6.4 Gb (SM)
    - Yamaha CR-4416E burner (SS)
    - LinkSys 100Mbit/s Ethernet card
    - SupraExpress 56i ISA modem
    - And all the rest...

    - Windows 98 SE French
    - All the lastest VIA drivers
    - DirectX 7.0a
    - IE 5.01
    Laurent Martin

    System Configuration (this is my personnal server):

    - AMD K6-III 450MHz CPU (not o/c)
    - AOpen AX59Pro SS7 m/b w/lastest BIOS (VIA MVP3 CE rev. chipset)
    - 256MB RAM PC100
    - Matrox Marvel G200-TV (lastest BIOS) w/16MB & hardware DVD decoder (still don't know why I bought the DVD decoder crap) :-p
    - SB16 ISA
    - Maxtor 8.4Gb x 2 (PM & PS)
    - Yamaha CDE2100E burner (SM)
    - Mitsumi 48X CD-ROM (SS)
    - Promise Ultra66 w/ 2 Maxtor 20Gb (1 master on each channel)
    - LinkSys 100Mbit/s Ethernet card
    - SMC 8019 10Mbit/s Ethernet card w/ Cable modem
    - SupraExpress 56i ISA modem
    - And all the rest...

    - Windows 2000 Professional SP2 French
    - All the lastest VIA drivers
    - DirectX 8.0a w/ Video Add-on patch
    - Matrox PowerDesk + VideoTools (version changing frequently) ;-)
    - IE 5.5
    - Internet Connetion Sharing Server
    - FTP Server (IIS)
    - Maxtor 20Gb stripped using software Win2k RAID

  • #2
    I also had this PD "CPU eating" problem.
    The solution is easy - see <a href="">this thread</a> in Matrox website forum.


    • #3
      There are known problems with the 5.52 drivers and D3D and VIA chipsets. Don't use the 5.52 drivers. Matrox is aware of the problem and is working on a fix for the next driver set. The 5.41 drivers are probably your best option with the fix jlordsen posts above.

      In addition to the fix for excessive CPU time, also see Bixler's thread here: for information on the hardware DVD decoder for the G200. It can be made to work very well with only a little work.


      [This message has been edited by RAB (edited 23 May 2000).]
      AMD K6III-450; Epox EP-MVP3G5; G400DH32; Maxtor 10gig UDMA66; 128meg PC100; Aureal SQ2500 sound; PCI Modem Blaster; Linksys 10/100 NIC; Mag 800V 19"; AL ACS54 4 speaker sound; Logitech wireless mouse; Logitech Wingman Extreme (great for lefties)


      • #4
        you're problem isn't the G200 and the drivers but rather your Chipset and Matrox drivers...
        on my BX system I have the 5.52 installed with my G200 and it runs fine, I did stop Pdesk from loading and staying in the Systray though, this prevents the majority of CPU eating...

        1.3 Taulatin @1600 - Watercooled, DangerDen waterblock, Enhiem 1046 pump, 8x6x2 HeaterCore Radiator - Asus TUSL2C - 256 MB Corsair PC150 - G400 DH 32b SGR - IBM 20Gb 75GXP HDD - InWin A500


        • #5
          These drivers work fine for plenty of ppl. Perhaps your system is at fault.


          • #6
            Has I see, I will wait for the next(S) drivers... thank you all... I will install the 5.41 with the reg. fix for the CPU eating...

            And RAB, thanks for the link for the DVD... I found someone who send me the right program...

            See ya all
            Laurent Martin

            System Configuration (this is my personnal server):

            - AMD K6-III 450MHz CPU (not o/c)
            - AOpen AX59Pro SS7 m/b w/lastest BIOS (VIA MVP3 CE rev. chipset)
            - 256MB RAM PC100
            - Matrox Marvel G200-TV (lastest BIOS) w/16MB & hardware DVD decoder (still don't know why I bought the DVD decoder crap) :-p
            - SB16 ISA
            - Maxtor 8.4Gb x 2 (PM & PS)
            - Yamaha CDE2100E burner (SM)
            - Mitsumi 48X CD-ROM (SS)
            - Promise Ultra66 w/ 2 Maxtor 20Gb (1 master on each channel)
            - LinkSys 100Mbit/s Ethernet card
            - SMC 8019 10Mbit/s Ethernet card w/ Cable modem
            - SupraExpress 56i ISA modem
            - And all the rest...

            - Windows 2000 Professional SP2 French
            - All the lastest VIA drivers
            - DirectX 8.0a w/ Video Add-on patch
            - Matrox PowerDesk + VideoTools (version changing frequently) ;-)
            - IE 5.5
            - Internet Connetion Sharing Server
            - FTP Server (IIS)
            - Maxtor 20Gb stripped using software Win2k RAID

