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ASUS K7V +G400MAX @AGP 4X and crashing

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  • ASUS K7V +G400MAX @AGP 4X and crashing

    hi folks, I'm Luca (italian)and I'm Looking 4 your help.
    I have the following system:
    ASUS K7V + k7 600a
    g400 max
    256 MB ram Mt PC133
    First I have installed WIN98SE, followed by DX7A, VIA AGP 4.02, and PD 5.55 (but I've tryed even 5.52, 5.42, 5.25) PCILIST AND WCPUID SHOWS AGP 4X and until now everything in good. But When I try to play whit a game, the PC crashes (video is corrupted after some minutes of playing). In my bios configuration I tryed everything. I setted every voices of dram to disabled, the video chache memory to UC and the AGP size to 32, but always the same thing. I'm forced to use the AGP 2X to play correctly without crashes. My G400MAX is the last release (with the 4A in part number.)


  • #2
    I have the same problem - but with an Abit KA7 - I think it may be a Via driver problem, as people report no problems with Intel chipsets and AGP 4x. From what I've seen, AGP 4x doesn't make much difference with current software, furthermore, the G400 card would never be able to produce enough traffic to stress an AGP 2x bus, never mind one running at 4x.
    What do you want a signature for?


    • #3
      Many Thanks Damien 4 your reply, and so I'm not alone with this problem. But even if 4X isn't so better than 2X, I have a AGP 4X system and I want a 4X rinning system. I hope to find soon a solution to this issue. However I'd like to "ear" by email, so that we could help ourself If one of us is konwing something about the issue.
      My email is :



      • #4
        You know - despite what I've said, I agree with you - both motherboard and graphics card meet the specs - we should be able to run them at this speed - I guess we'll just have to watch this space.....

        BTW - my email is

        [This message has been edited by Damien Green (edited 28 May 2000).]
        What do you want a signature for?


        • #5
          Have y'all tried the latest VIA INF driver updated May 23, 2000 at ?
          It says it is for all chipsets. Also do you have anything in your BIOS like 'Read around Write' or 'Cache Rd+CPU Wt Pipeline'? Try disabling them. Also don't listen to some of the ****oles here saying that VIA sucks. It can have it's problems but they can also be made to work very good and stable without losing performance.

          Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


          System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
          OS: Windows XP Pro.
          Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


          • #6
            Hey Joel,

            I can tell you haven't faced what we have so I'd suggest shutting up. I use to like VIA until I got this's the only thing that doesn't seem to like the VIA chipset. So in essence don't be calling people names when you don't know jack about who they are and what they've been through.

            Why me???


            • #7
              Hey JCDisaray,

              How bouts you be nice. My experience with the KX133 has been very good. The only problems I have seen on all the boards are either the crappy epox board or with GeForce issues. I think alot of the problems are called user error.
              Asus K7V
              Athlon 700
              128mb PC133 HSDRAM
              Matrox Millennium g400max
              Adaptec 2940U2W
              IBM 9gb U2W
              Plextor 8/20 cdr
              Diamond MX300
              3com 905b-tx


              • #8
                I suggest you go and read the forum survival guide, located near the top of the main forum topic page.

                You, with your whopping 3 posts have NO PLACE coming in here and telling anyone to shup up (especially not a founding member, beta tester, and long-time VIA user). Joel was simply offering a suggestion that might help, and making a statement about not listening to a few people around here who love to bash VIA.

                You on the other hand, offered nothing, and have gotten off on the wrong foot with your ill behaivior.

                [This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 28 May 2000).]
                Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                • #9
                  Hey JCDysentery,

                  You know the old saying 'if the shoe fits then wear it'? Also, if you are wanting something that runs 100% stable right out of the box then you should go and buy you a console unit, which would be more befitting your mentally, and leave us real computer users, who knows that there is more to computing than Q3, alone.

                  Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                  System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                  OS: Windows XP Pro.
                  Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                  • #10
                    !!!!!!!!! SOLVED !!!!!!!!! ( I HOPE )First of all thanks to everybody helping me!
                    Probably I have found how using K7V + G400Max@AGP4X without crashing.
                    First I disabled in the BIOS (ver. 1006) the following voices.
                    Spread Spectrum Control ecc.ecc
                    Video ROM Bios Shadow.
                    Video Cache node (UCWS or similar I don’ t remember)
                    AGP SIZE to HALF OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT (4 me 128 MB RAM)
                    All the other voices (except FAST WRITES) enabled.
                    I installed step by step:
                    VIAINF 1.02 (last release)
                    UDMA (stand alone) last release
                    VIA AGP 4.02 (last release)
                    POWER DESK 5.55
                    VIA AGP 4.02 (A G A I N)

                    After rebooting, go to regedit (start ecc. ecc.) and look 4
                    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – system – CurrentControlSet - Services-VXD.
                    U have to look 4 VIAGART.VXD.
                    If u find also VGART.VXD !!!!!!REMOVE IT!!!!!!!!

                    Then go to CLASS [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – system – CurrentControlSet – Services – Class- Display – 0000 (it could be different) – Settings – CPU and add this 2 strings :
                    AGPFallback (and give it the value of 4)
                    WriteCombining (and give it the value of 1)
                    If u want to do it easy, write me an email that I sent a reg file modified that allow u to make easy the 3) step only clicking the file.

                    4) I have played 4 some hours without problem. I hope U r lucky as me.
                    Greeting everybody

                    my email is



                    • #11
                      Thanks for your suggestions Joel - I'll give them a try later - although having just moved house, my other machines are down, making this one my survival line (I don't really want to take it off line but your suggestions sound too tempting to miss).

                      JCDisaray, I can't see why you have to post insults to this board, I understand that you may be frustrated by the difficulties you've had with Via chipsets, but hurling insults at others is counterproductive. Why not try writing a post listing your problems, then we might be able to help you - after all this is the main reason for having this forum.
                      What do you want a signature for?


                      • #12
                        Umm.....hello.....Joel's the one throwing out insults. Does "****oles" ring a bell? Btw, you all are throwing insults back isn't that called "hypocracy"? You all are backwards, I suggest rereading the posts again and finding out who's really to blame. Oh yeah, Joel, nice try at spelling; you're certainly good at immaturity.
                        Why me???


                        • #13
                          Hey JCwhateveryournameis,

                          What is so wrong with what Joel said? All he was saying is that they shouldn't listen to all those ****oles (me) who says that via sucks ass. It was a generalization of the people (me, Gurm, etc.) who are quick to say "yeah, via sucks, so what's new". He is offering to help these people, which you are not. He is not throwing an insult to you, but he did seem to adeptly describe you by editing your name

                          This ****ole hasn't taken offense, I am sure that Gurm hasn't taken offense, and I have yet to see anyone but you (who is some new guy who he couldn't possibly be referring to). I suggest you stick your tail between your legs and knock the BS off.


                          Partnership for an idiot free America

