Well I just ordered a new C2-566mhz chip today. I'm getting a Alpha CPU cooler to go with it and I'm gonna see how far I can push the sucker. I'm currently running a P3-450@558 rock solid (can run 600, but was getting some nasty VVM errors from my generic PC100 memory@133FSB) and I was wondering what you guys would like to see benchmarked on my system. I have UT and Quake3 (boring..wake me if they make Half-Life 2 off the 3d engine and I'll start bitching at Matrox is improve their OpenGL drivers again
) now but is there anything else you want me to try out? I figure I'll do benching for the P3-450@450 and P3-450@558 and the C2@556 and what ever high speed I can get it to run at stablely. Any other comments?
Abit BH6 with a P3-450@558,128mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem, Win98 SE on Western Digital 30.7GB, Win2000 on a WD 13 GB HDD

Abit BH6 with a P3-450@558,128mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem, Win98 SE on Western Digital 30.7GB, Win2000 on a WD 13 GB HDD