Hello. It's been ages since I've been at the MURC. Just bought Thief 2 and I know I have to get rid of my 5.41 drivers. It's a shame because they've been great!
Are the 5.52 still beta? Stable? Are there any quirks I should know about?
ASUS P3BF i440BX,Intel PIII 500, 128MB RAM,Fujitsu 13GB HD, Creative 48X CDROM, Matrox G400Max (PD ver 5.41/TGL),SB Live MP3+(ver 4.06.711),Liveware3.0,DX7.0, Linksys 16bit ISA NIC/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19" monitor
Are the 5.52 still beta? Stable? Are there any quirks I should know about?
ASUS P3BF i440BX,Intel PIII 500, 128MB RAM,Fujitsu 13GB HD, Creative 48X CDROM, Matrox G400Max (PD ver 5.41/TGL),SB Live MP3+(ver 4.06.711),Liveware3.0,DX7.0, Linksys 16bit ISA NIC/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19" monitor