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I built my dual Celery box back in Oct. 1999 hoping to run Win2k...

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  • I built my dual Celery box back in Oct. 1999 hoping to run Win2k...

    I spent at least $3,000 on top-of-the-line PC hardware hoping to run Windows 2000 Professional (no Win9x at all) back in October of 1999, and now it is June 2000 and it absolutely sickens me that I still am running Windows 98 SE. The memory management and the fact I can only use 1 of my processors is just a complete sickening thought considering how much I spent on this box. I have Matrox's flagship product - the Millenium G400 MAX - and it is still not as supported under Windows 2000 Professional as under Windows 98 SE.

    My God, the complete and utter stupidity of hardware manufacturers these days... Windows 2000 is such a freakin' QUANTUM LEAP over Win9x that is continues to make me wonder why the drivers for this ancient DOS-based OS (Win9x) are LIGHT YEARS ahead of the operating system that is a QUANTUM LEAP over it.

    bah humbug

    • Box 2:
    • operating system: FreeBSD 4.1
    • CPU: Intel Pentium 60
    • memory: 32 MB
    • hard drive: Quantum Fireball 1 GB


  • #2
    Do what I'm doing. Dump the G400 in a second rig and buy a Geforce 2. You'll like it!


    • #3
      Oh!! The Pain!!! Rub a little Preparation H on it Mr. Hemorrhoid you'll feel so much better.

      My Packurd bell 166Megahurtz runnin at 233 on a ABIT ITH5 muther board,
      128MB EDO ECC RAM and a hole bunch of other cool stuff.


      • #4
        Lesseee...the G400 works fine on this end in win2k using the bp6. Dunno what your big gripe is, unless you are are just pissed off that you can't run Q3A in SMP. Yeah, follow DosFreak, you two jewels deserve each other, you will like it.


        Hugh G


        • #5
          Ha! I beat you Mr. Cold! I built MY dual celery box last summer...

          Gee, it's not so great winning this little competition, eh?

          In all fairness, Win2k is a completely new beast to develop on. MS has switched up the driver model, and while it may be NT-like, how many companies were writing decent, high performing NT drivers?

          'Course, that let's everyone off the hook in my list who didn't promise a certain level of behavior from their products for Win2k. I can live with my motherboard's APCI difficulties... I can live with my MX300's SMP difficulties... But Matrox is on my hit list. They're marketing has claimed from the beginning and still claim miracles they have yet to accomplish.


          p.s. I bet the G450 will be out before we get decent drivers... and since we'll be a product cycle behind, we'll be relegated to the bottom of the support pile. Sigh... Isn't life grand?


          • #6
            I know one person with a DFI dual BX motherboard and 2 celeron 366 and a G400 running win2k .... with the 5.04 drivers and up SMP works just fine.... although it is not using the 2nd CPU for graphics acceleration, it does offload a lot of windows overhead to it.

            Wht is the problem you people still have with the G400?


            • #7
              Me personally? Coding the darn thing in OpenGL in a multithreaded application while trying to bob and weave through Matrox's less-than-stellar implementation of the GL.

              That, and the under-implemented DualHead support is really cheezing me...

              I wish Matrox's driver writers were as capable as them GLX folks...


              p.s. Oh, almost forgot, I've got a Max, which has somehow made me the subject of driver persecution.

              [This message has been edited by C=64 (edited 04 June 2000).]

